Sunday, May 1, 2011

P90X Day 6: Legs & Back

It's official! I finished my first week of P90X and it feels great! The hardest week is over and boy am I glad! Last night was legs & back. There were a ton of lunges and pull-ups. The worst exercises being the wall squats (ouchie!) and the sneaky lunges (2 full minutes of torture). I could tell that I was wearing down towards the end of the hour. And yes it even flashed in my mind to skip the 16 minute Ab Ripper, but I ignored that thought and did the Ab Ripper as planned. And that hurt, and I yelled at the T.V. when he had me do horribly hard Ab exercises, but I did it! I made it through! And today I am SO SO SO happy that it's my day off! Woo hoo!

Yesterday we also bought me some new 8 lb weights because the 5 lb ones weren't enough weight for me on my Arms workout last week. We also bought a Yoga Mat because the ground is hard, and the girls tumbling mat wasn't working well enough for Downward Dog and other exercises. Now we just need a heart rate monitor, but that's going to be a while because they are pricey. =(

I've talked a lot about exercises this week and not much about what I've been eating. Two of my new favorite foods are the Fiber One Chocolate Fudge Brownie and the Kelloggs Fiber Plus Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar. The Brownie is only 90 calories and it has 5 grams of fiber in it. But most importantly it really tastes good which makes it a worthy snack or dessert item. We bought a box of them (38 in a box) at our local Costco. The Kelloggs bars are 130 calories and they have 9 grams of fiber. They also taste really good and I usually eat them as an afternoon snack. It comes with 6 in a box and we bought them at our local Win Co. These two treats help me satisfy my sweet tooth without blowing my daily calories, and the added fiber is always nice too.

One week down, and eleven to go. I am excited to continue with this process. Even on the nights I am tired and don't want to work out, I always feel better after I do. As Tony says "Just keep popping the DVD in and pushing play." That's what I do, and already my body is changing for the better. I love this quote "Try your best and forget the rest!" You bet I am!

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