Sunday, May 8, 2011

P90X Day 13: Kenpo

Happy Mother's Day. Last night we celebrated with hubby's family. We had a nice time, a delicious meal, and great dessert. Tuxedo Mousse Cake from Costco is the BOMB! I was so bad, I had two pieces of it. Despite my over indulgence I did my Kenpo last night. I am happy that hubby does Kenpo with me now since I was punching with the wrong hands, and messing up my kicks also. He got me on the right track and hopefully now I can keep things straight.

Let me just say how happy I am that today is a rest day. I plan on kicking back and watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix without having to even think about Tony Horton at all. See you Monday buddy, tonight is my night off!

Have a great Mother's Day everyone. And I'll be back in action on Monday.

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