Tuesday, May 3, 2011

P90X Day 8: Chest and Back

Yesterday was the start of week 2 and my first completed Chest and Back workout since last week I got sick and needed to stop early. By doing my work sheet every day after I complete an exercise, I am able to meet or beat my goals from the last weeks session. Last night I beat everything I did from the week before. I did more push-ups, more pull-ups, more heavy pants, and I used my 8 lb weights instead of the 5 lb ones. Honestly Chest and Back is not my favorite DVD. My arms are wimpy, and I don't like push-ups at all. But I just keep on pushing play, doing my best, and forgetting the rest.

I followed the Chest and Back DVD with the Ab Ripper and I think I made a little more progress on that one also. And for the first time I was able to make it through all 25 of the In & Out's without taking a break. I still have a long, long way to go, but I am slowly getting somewhere. It helps that I do the Ab Ripper three times a week, instead of just once.

My eating out over the weekend wasn't the greatest, but I did pretty good. I went over my calories a little bit on Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't totally blow it and eat whatever I wanted to all day, every day. I have been tempted to hop on the scale and see if I've made any progress, but I am still holding out and trying to wait the full 30 days.

Tonight is Pukeometrics,,,,I mean Plyometrics. I enjoy the fast paced cardio workout, but it IS a killer. I've read online that it burns nearly 600 calories. Whether it burns that much or not, the fact remains that I'll be doing Plyo tonight and I am going to Bring It.

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