Wednesday, May 11, 2011

P90X Day 16: Plyometrics Jump, jump!

Last night was a good work out for me. Plyo is fun, fast, and it gets the job done. Towards the end of the work out I was wearing down, but I notice that I am getting farther and farther into it before I start "doggin' it". I was pretty happy that I didn't have the Ab Ripper last night, the same cannot be said for tonight. At least I feel like my abs are tightening up. They still may not look the best, but something is changing with them and one day my hard work will show on the outside.

Yesterday I was pretty frustrated with the whole P90X thing. I feel like I am working my butt off and not seeing much in the way of results. A nice talk with my hubby and he reassures me that it hasn't been that long. That I am still in the very beginning stages of this whole process. I am committed to the full 90 days regardless of what I look like on Day 15, Day 45, or Day 70. It's only on Day 91 when all three phases are complete that I will decide if it was worth it. I am hoping that answer will be a resounding YES!


  1. You're doing great babe. As I said yesterday, all this exercise CAN'T be bad for you/us! :)
