Friday, May 13, 2011

P90X Day 18: Cardio X

Last night was fun. I really like the Cardio X work out. It's even more enjoyable getting to work out with hubby. It was the normal cycle of Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo, and Core. It's a fast 50 minutes and I felt pretty good afterward. I think I am really starting to get the hang of most of these work outs. Just in time to switch things up again in Phase 2.

This weekend may be challenging because I have two birthday parties to attend. Where there are birthdays there usually is good junky party food. I am not saying I won't eat, or that I will only eat X amount of calories. I will say that I will try and keep myself in check and know that I need to work that much harder on my Kenpo workout on Saturday.

I've started feeling like I look skinnier. Maybe it's all in my head but even if that is the case as long as I feel skinnier, I will probably feel better about myself even if I do look the same. I am even contemplating buying a new suit and/or wearing my tankini this summer. I *think* I can pull it off and not always have to opt for the black one piece. We'll see, I still have another 2 weeks before this becomes an issue since that's when the first pool play date is scheduled.

Legs today. WOO Woo!

1 comment:

  1. I say throw caution to the wind and buy/wear a BIKINI!!!! Woooo!
