Friday, May 20, 2011

P90X Day 25: X-Stretch

I was actually looking forward to X-stretch last night. It sounded easy, and since I am not super flexible I thought it would do me some good. I was right. I woke up this morning and my back is a little sore so I stretched something right. A lot of the stretches were the same ones that we already do in the warm-ups and cool-downs, but there were a few new ones thrown in. Honestly my only complaint is that I think an hour was just a bit too long. The time didn't go as fast as it usually does and so the hour seemed to drag. Overall I liked X-stretch but it's not something that I'd want to do every day or anything.

As I near the final few days of the first Phase I can't help but think about how far I've come. I struggled the first week or so with some of the moves. I lost my morale at a few points along the way. Now I am almost 1/3 of the way done and I am happy that I have pressed on. I have gotten stronger, more flexible, and in much better shape. I actually have some muscle on me which I have never had. I have a bicept! I have calf muscles! And my stomach, which I thought was beyond repair, is slowly but surely shrinking.

P90X may not be for everyone, but if you have the time (Which really who doesn't have 1 hour a day? My hubby works two jobs and still finds the time to do his hour of P90X), the dedication (Sure you'll have doubts, but just keep pushing play), and the drive (You can do it! Just take it one exercise at a time and MODIFY!) it CAN work for you.

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