Sunday, May 29, 2011

P90X Day 34: Kenpo

True to my word I started my workout last night with Ab Ripper. It just wasn't sitting well with me that I skipped it the night before. I really pushed myself hard and improved on the reverse bicycles finishing the entire 25 without stopping. That means the first three exercises I can complete without stopping in the middle of them for a mini-break. Considering at the start of the Ab Ripper I couldn't get through any of the first exercises without stopping multiple times, I can really see how my Abs have improved.

I took a break after the AB Ripper to let hubby do his Cardio X, and then I went straight into Kenpo. I felt great and really brought it. The time flew by, and before I knew it Kenpo was over. I feel like my punches and kicks have really improved. I've really managed to learn the moves and so I can concentrate on doing them with accuracy and speed.

Overall last night was a great way to end the week. I felt good, worked hard, and improved. Today is a rest day, and another week starts Monday. Have a nice weekend everyone. =)

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