Saturday, May 7, 2011

P90X Day 12: Legs & Back

Legs and Back has gotten easier for me. Which is good. I added weights to some of the exercises to make it more challenging for me. Doing the bands with hubby means added resistance, so I know my back got a work out for sure. Ab Ripper was tough as always but I managed to complete the entire 25 bicycles without stopping for the very first time. Woo! It's fun to see progress, especially on the Ab Ripper, since it is SO hard.

Yesterday was our anniversary so we went out to eat. We got a ton of food but we brought the kids with us so they helped us eat some of it. Thankfully I am not tied to the scale anymore so I am not worried about what my weight is after our meal out. I did my exercise. I have plenty of time before my 30 day weigh in to work off any extra calories that I ate last night. It's all good.

Kenpo is tonight and then tomorrow is my wonderful rest day. So nice that it falls on Mother's Day. I'm chugging right along and soon I'll be on Week 3. It's amazing to me how I complain about having to take an hour or more out of my day to exercise, but really what would I be doing instead? Vegging in front of the T.V. for that hour and being a lazy slob. Instead I am using that same hour to better myself, and to keep myself healthy and fit. I don't need more T.V. time. I need to feel better about me. And that's just what the P90 X is doing. This is a big step in the right direction for my life.

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