Friday, May 27, 2011

P90X Day 32: Cardio X

I wake up in the morning feeling like P...... oh wait that's a song. I actually woke up feeling pretty good because it's Friday and it's a three-day weekend. Woo hoo! Last night I did Cardio X and it was fast, easy, and fun. I even had my entire exercise routine finished before seven p.m. and that never happens. Since we had some extra time on our hands hubby and I watched the season finale of Castle which was SO good. But I digress.... Cardio X was, as usual, a good work out.

There isn't much more to say. I'm just chugging along, trying to eat right, and doing my exercise every day. I may not weigh as little as I have in the past, at the start of summer, but I have a feeling that by the end of summer I am going to look and feel better than I have in over a decade. Sometimes I wonder why didn't we do this sooner? It's really not that hard to fit in the exercise. I guess the answer is we were lazy. There was always something else to do, and exercise wasn't a priority. But now it is, and I am so glad because it's making a difference in our lives, and it's a great example to show our girls.

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