Tuesday, May 10, 2011

P90X Day 15: Shoulders and Back=hell

Of all the Dvd's I hate the Shoulders and Back DVD the most. I despise push-ups and this DVD is filled with them. Standard, Wide, Diamond, Military, and decline push-ups. Ugh. Kill.me.now. And once you go through them and you think "Yeah I made it!" You have to go through them ALL again.

They mix things up by adding pull-ups in between all the push ups but they are not much fun either. On the bright side I did improve on b0th my pull-ups and my push-ups. Not by a huge margin, but by at least one more. The other good news is this is the last time I have to do Shoulders and back until Week 9. The bad news is that the DVD I replace it with is WORSE according to hubby. Oh well I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

My eating over the weekend wasn't the best. Our anniversary+ Mother's Day = Too much bad for you food that I ate with glee. There shouldn't be any other special events until my birthday at the end of July so I think I can get a good stretch in of healthy eating. I think I need a good stretch, my clothes are still sort of tight around the middle.

Okay tonight is Plyo. I get to burn off all the calories I ate over the weekend. Woo.

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