Thursday, May 26, 2011

P90X Day 31: Bicep and Back

I was not on my game last night. We went over to my IL's house for dinner and I allowed myself one glass of Champagne. That was a mistake because after I drank it I was exhausted. It always make me sleepy. We got home from my IL's house kind of late, which means I started my exercise late as well. And the results were certainly not my best.

This was my first time using the Biceps and Back DVD. It's three bicep moves and then a back move, which usually involves the pull-up bar. I used 8 lb weights for the entire routine. Next time I'll increase to 10 lb weights because I think I can handle more weight with nearly all the exercises. I like this DVD overall, just because I like to work on my biceps. Hopefully next week I'll be able to bring it better than I did last night.

Ab Ripper went o.k. as well. I've been trying to really push myself on the Mason Twists at the very end. I can see progress, but I still need to stop 2 or 3 times in the 50 seconds to take a little mini break. It's hard work, and it's going to be a while before I can master all of the moves.

Tonight is Cardio X and I am looking forward to that. Just a nice simple Cardio work out sounds great right about now.

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