Tuesday, May 17, 2011

P90X Day 22: Cardio X

Believe it or not, I made it to my recovery week. The first phase of P90X is nearly over. I am feeling very proud of myself for pushing through even on the days I wanted to give up. Having my husbands support really helps me keep going. We're in this together and we're both going to finish it and be better for it. Cardio X last night was fun as usual. It's funny how before if you told me I was going to exercise for 45 minutes I'd have thought I would die, but now I look at 45 minutes of exercise as a break. =)

My good news to share about yesterday is that my way too small green shorts can button now! WOO HOO! That means I am definitely making progress around my waist, so Ab Ripper must be doing something. Now these shorts are still WAY too small, and I have a ways to go, but just the fact I can button them means there has been progress! I hope to one day post a picture of me in these green shorts with them fitting just right. Won't that be something?

Tonight is Core Synergistics. This DVD is new to me. I have never used it before. I am excited and scared to see how hard it is tonight. More ab work can only be good for me right?

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