Saturday, May 21, 2011

P90X Day 26: Core Syn. Unexpected delay

Last night did not go as planned. As I started up the DVD and was warming up when fireworks from our nearby elementary school started going off for the end of their school carnival. My Saint Bernard Lucy peeked in at me once and she looked a little freaked, but I really didn't think she'd do anything other than hide in her doghouse.

Hubby came out of the den and decided to check on the dogs and it was only then that we realized that Lucy was gone. Gone because she apparently became so panicked by the fireworks that she barreled her way through our back gate and ran for her life through the neighborhood. We know this because neighbors saw her running for her life through the streets and then the trail went cold. She was gone.

We called for her, hubby drove and walked the neighborhood. I whistled and kept calling her name but it was no use, she wasn't anywhere to be found. By this time it was past ten and I wasn't NOT in the mood to do Core Synergistics. I was worried about my puppy and thinking the worst, but I did my exercise anyway. The full hour. I still hate the exercises, but I did them the best I could, modifying if necessary. I improved on some, but not others. I just tried to get through the hour and then I went to bed.

Who was waiting by our fence this morning when hubby got up? Lucy. She came home. My sweet baby came home. All is right in my world once again. And SEE YA Core Synergistics in Week 8!!!

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