Wednesday, May 4, 2011

P90X Day 9: Plyometrics

Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day starting at 6:15 a.m. and it didn't really end until 7:30 last night. As you can imagine by the time I got home I was pretty darn tired and not feeling like doing Plyometics at all. Luckily last night was a night when hubby and my work outs were the same and so despite wanting to lie on the couch and veg in front of the T.V. hubby and I did our Plyo together.

I found that I could keep up better than I could last week. I am in better Cardio shape for sure. By the end of the DVD I was tired and not doing everything perfectly but I was still trying to get my feet off the ground and moving in some way. I like doing my exercises with my hubby because he helps make the time pass by faster, and he also motivates me to do my exercises better. After Plyo was over, I cooled down, crawled in my bed, and crashed for the night.

Eating wise I didn't do so well. My mom took me out for lunch, and then for dinner we ate out again. I'm hoping that Pylo helped offset any extra calories that I ate over my daily calorie goal. Today I am back on track and ready for the start of a new day.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, I love working out with you too. You always do something to make me laugh :P
