Friday, May 6, 2011

P90X Day 11: Cardio X

Believe it or not Cardio X is kind of like a break for me. A bunch of Yoga moves in the beginning are not too hard. Although my upper body strength still leave something to be desired so all of the downward dogs are still tough for me. Kenpo is always fun, and the four Pylo moves that we do are actually some of my favorites. The Core exercises are the hardest but they are right at the end and by the time we get to them I know we're almost done so I just push through. The whole thing is shorter than the other exercises so the time goes by fast. All in all it was a good night.

I am not seeing much visible change to my body yet. My clothes still fit snug. I do see some muscles developing in my arms, bicepts especially. I would really like to notice some difference in my abs but so far they seem the same to me. Oh well it's only day 11 and as Tony says Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body. I'll keep on, keeping on.

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