Saturday, April 30, 2011

P90X Day 5: Kenpo

Last night was Kenpo which is a cardio work out that involves a lot of punches, kicks, blocks, and jabs. It actually is pretty fun and the time goes by quickly. I tried to push myself hard, and not slack on my punches or kicks. I woke up today feeling sore again, so I got a decent work out in last night with Kenpo.

As for yesterday's eating I went over my calorie goal by nearly 300 calories. Costco's cheese pizza did me in. Oh yeah and the Churro. The weekend eating is always a struggle for me. During the week it's easy to eat my preplanned meals, but when the weekend comes it all goes out the window because we're usually busy running around, and we're not eating as much planned out food. I did follow the rest of my rules yesterday, I ate fruit, didn't eat after 8:00, and I had a good breakfast.

Tonight is my legs workout. One that I really need. One that I am going to hurt after for sure. This will be my last workout for the week since tomorrow is my rest day. I am almost through week 1, the hardest week of them all. Woo hoo!

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