Sunday, May 22, 2011

P90X Day 27: Cardio X- End of Phase 1!!

Well it's official I have completed Phase 1 of the P90X program. I'll have to admit it got easier as the weeks went by. My mindset changed from forcing myself to do my exercise, to instead just knowing I was going to do it period. It's becoming a habit, a good habit, and I feel better about myself, and I think I am starting to look better too.

When I think about the things I have going for me, that are just my accomplishments, there's not very many. I am wrapped up in the world of my kids, and their accomplishments. But P90X is mine. It's something I am doing for me. Something I can feel good about, and proud of. And it feels great to have something of my own.

The work out last night was just the normal Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo, Core mix. I've noticed increased strength when I do my downward dogs. My arms can hold me up for much longer than they used to. My flexibility is increasing, I can bend over with my legs spread wide and put my hands flat on the ground. That didn't happen before.

Little by little I am getting stronger, more flexible, and increasing my muscles. Phase 1 is over and I can't even imagine how much more I'll improve in Phases 2 and 3. I guess time will tell since I am going to full 90 days. Pictures and my stats are coming soon. That will be a fun thing to see as well. Today is my rest day and I am going to do just that!

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