Sunday, May 15, 2011

P90X Day 20: Kenpo

Last night we did Kenpo. This will be the last work out with my hubby for at least 2 weeks. That's a bummer, we have so much fun working out together. We've been turning off all the Tony Horton chat and just have the cues on so we know which new move to do, and instead we've been listening to our own music. That livens things up also. I am really glad that today is my rest day, and that tomorrow begins my "rest" week. It's neat to think I am going farther than ever before. I can't wait to see my 30 day stats and pictures. Have a good Sunday everyone. =)


  1. Hi there,

    Just found your blog! I'm also working out with my boyfriend and it's nice having that support (and competition! hahahah). I'm on week 3 day 2 and I CAN'T WAIT for the recovery week, so I'm looking forward to what you think about it. Best of luck to you and your hubby!

  2. Anon, Good luck to you and your boyfriend. It's great when you can work out with a partner. I feel like it really motivates me to do my best. Just keep pushing play. =)
