Saturday, May 28, 2011

P90X Day 33: Legs & Back

Last night I started off well, but the farther I went into this work out the less well I felt. At the halfway point I felt like I may hurl but I didn't want to give up, so I continued to the end. I didn't give it my best, but I needed to finish. Afterward instead of doing my Ab Ripper I just relaxed and tried to feel better. I am not sure what caused the upset stomach last night, but it makes me irritated with myself that I didn't do the Ab ripper. I may try and attempt it tonight after my Kenpo work out. Or possibly before it.
Today I haven't eaten very healthy, but I do allow myself one day a week to relax on my healthy eating. This usually happens on Sundays, but since I ate crappy today, I'll have to be good tomorrow.

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