Wednesday, May 18, 2011

P90X Day 23: Core Synergistics

To say I did not like Core Synergistics is an understatement. I hated Core. A lot of the moves were very hard for me to do, and on at least one occasion impossible for me to do. I didn't feel like Tony offered a lot of moves to modify and so if I couldn't do the move I was left without another option. I was pretty frustrated by not being able to do moves and not having an alternative to fall back on. I tried my best, but clearly I did not get the work out I should have gotten.

There were lots of weird push-ups, and since push-ups are not my strength, doing even harder ones only made it worse. The tip of the day was to engage meaning to keep your tummy muscles taunt the whole time, and I found that difficult to accomplish while doing the moves. Overall I was very unhappy with Core, but maybe I'll do better the next time, which is only in a day or two.


  1. I haven't done it yet but one very huge draw back of the whole program is a lack of differentiation. They say to do your best but hardly give any real alternatives. Ang

  2. Ang, In most of the other DVD's I have found that they have given you alternatives for a lot of the moves to make it easier. In the beginning week or two I needed to modify a lot. But I just didn't find the alternatives they normally offer in the Core one. Maybe they think after 3 solid weeks the Core won't be too hard for people, but in my case it really was hard.
