Tuesday, May 31, 2011

P90X Day 36: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps

Yesterday was a day full of exercise. I cleaned off our back patio and moved eight 60 pound bags of cement. We also went for a small family bike ride around the neighborhood. Lastly I did my P90X work out.

When I started P90X last night I had a migraine. I took two aspirin to make it go away but they were not helping. By the time hubby came home from his bike ride I was lying on the floor three exercises in and holding my right eye. Hubby told me to get up and to lie down in bed with the lights off and a cool wash cloth on my face, which I did. Eventually I started feeling better and around 10:22 I was up and ready to finish my work out. I am so glad that I did.

The challenge with this work out are the many push ups, but I am improving every week. I followed this with the Ab Ripper which I am beginning to really enjoy. I continue to push myself a little bit further each week in an attempt to make my flabby stomach less flabby. I am completing more and more of the exercises in their entirety. It feels good to see the progress I am making both with the Ab Ripper but also with Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps as well.

Tonight I get to do Plyo with my hubby which makes me happy. I much prefer working out with him, as opposed to being on different schedules and working out on my own. It should be a good night. =)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

P90X Day 34: Kenpo

True to my word I started my workout last night with Ab Ripper. It just wasn't sitting well with me that I skipped it the night before. I really pushed myself hard and improved on the reverse bicycles finishing the entire 25 without stopping. That means the first three exercises I can complete without stopping in the middle of them for a mini-break. Considering at the start of the Ab Ripper I couldn't get through any of the first exercises without stopping multiple times, I can really see how my Abs have improved.

I took a break after the AB Ripper to let hubby do his Cardio X, and then I went straight into Kenpo. I felt great and really brought it. The time flew by, and before I knew it Kenpo was over. I feel like my punches and kicks have really improved. I've really managed to learn the moves and so I can concentrate on doing them with accuracy and speed.

Overall last night was a great way to end the week. I felt good, worked hard, and improved. Today is a rest day, and another week starts Monday. Have a nice weekend everyone. =)

Saturday, May 28, 2011

P90X Day 33: Legs & Back

Last night I started off well, but the farther I went into this work out the less well I felt. At the halfway point I felt like I may hurl but I didn't want to give up, so I continued to the end. I didn't give it my best, but I needed to finish. Afterward instead of doing my Ab Ripper I just relaxed and tried to feel better. I am not sure what caused the upset stomach last night, but it makes me irritated with myself that I didn't do the Ab ripper. I may try and attempt it tonight after my Kenpo work out. Or possibly before it.
Today I haven't eaten very healthy, but I do allow myself one day a week to relax on my healthy eating. This usually happens on Sundays, but since I ate crappy today, I'll have to be good tomorrow.

Friday, May 27, 2011

P90X Day 32: Cardio X

I wake up in the morning feeling like P...... oh wait that's a song. I actually woke up feeling pretty good because it's Friday and it's a three-day weekend. Woo hoo! Last night I did Cardio X and it was fast, easy, and fun. I even had my entire exercise routine finished before seven p.m. and that never happens. Since we had some extra time on our hands hubby and I watched the season finale of Castle which was SO good. But I digress.... Cardio X was, as usual, a good work out.

There isn't much more to say. I'm just chugging along, trying to eat right, and doing my exercise every day. I may not weigh as little as I have in the past, at the start of summer, but I have a feeling that by the end of summer I am going to look and feel better than I have in over a decade. Sometimes I wonder why didn't we do this sooner? It's really not that hard to fit in the exercise. I guess the answer is we were lazy. There was always something else to do, and exercise wasn't a priority. But now it is, and I am so glad because it's making a difference in our lives, and it's a great example to show our girls.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

P90X Day 31: Bicep and Back

I was not on my game last night. We went over to my IL's house for dinner and I allowed myself one glass of Champagne. That was a mistake because after I drank it I was exhausted. It always make me sleepy. We got home from my IL's house kind of late, which means I started my exercise late as well. And the results were certainly not my best.

This was my first time using the Biceps and Back DVD. It's three bicep moves and then a back move, which usually involves the pull-up bar. I used 8 lb weights for the entire routine. Next time I'll increase to 10 lb weights because I think I can handle more weight with nearly all the exercises. I like this DVD overall, just because I like to work on my biceps. Hopefully next week I'll be able to bring it better than I did last night.

Ab Ripper went o.k. as well. I've been trying to really push myself on the Mason Twists at the very end. I can see progress, but I still need to stop 2 or 3 times in the 50 seconds to take a little mini break. It's hard work, and it's going to be a while before I can master all of the moves.

Tonight is Cardio X and I am looking forward to that. Just a nice simple Cardio work out sounds great right about now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

P90X Day 30: Plyometrics

Last night was another fun hour of Plyo. Lots of jumping, jumping, and more jumping. It really is a great cardio work out. I put on my radio and just jump my feet off and before I know it the hour is over. My favorite moves are in the beginning, and by the last fifteen minutes or so I am totally wasted. I really pushed myself even though I was tired at the end. I can't get the results I want if I am dogging it. I have to really push through the pain, or the exhaustion, and make it happen.

Regarding food we tried ground turkey for the first time on Monday. Not a huge fan of it, but in meatloaf form with some ketch up on it, I managed to eat it. It's super lean and so I thought we would give it a try. I don't think I'll buy it again but we're going to use up what we have. I am just trying little things to lower our calories, but still give us the protein we need. Ground turkey wasn't the best fit, so maybe next we'll try some fish.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

P90X 30 day Stats & Pics

Starting Weight: 151.3
Body fat %: 30.2

30 day Weight: 144.9
Body fat %: 29.0

Total weight lost for the 30 days is 6.4 pounds.
Total fat percentage lost for the 30 days is 1.2 percent.

I am fairly happy with both my weight lost and percentage of fat lost. Sure I wish it was more, but this seems to be a decent amount for 30 days.

In the first set I cannot visually see much added muscle which bums me out since I can totally feel and see my new muscles. Maybe the 60 day pics will be better.


In this second set I can see I am a little thinner around the sides of my waist and my arms appear to be a little thinner.


The third set shows the greatest amount of progress to my waist. WOO HOO! I guess Ab Ripper is good for something. Although my boobs look smaller also and that doesn't make me very happy. Boo to that.


Thanks for looking and stay tuned for my 60 day stats and pictures.

P90X Day 29: Chest, Shoulders, Tricepts

I knew last nights work out was going to be hard. I heard my hubby complain about it when he started Phase 2. I also read a few reviews on it yesterday and they said pretty much the same things, it is a lot of push ups and really tough. And to sum it up that's what it was.

For a girl who hates push ups I wasn't very happy last night. There were quite the variety of push ups : Three in One, Plange, Two Twitch speed, side to side, and the dreaded one arm push ups. I modified my push ups like crazy. Doing them like a girl on my knees when I could. I just tried my best and I hope to improve by next week. In addition to all the many varieties of push ups there were also some other killer moves on there. The weighted circles had me go from my five pound weights down to just two water bottles, they were that hard. The flyrow presses were really difficult for me as well.

Overall I can tell this isn't going to be my favorite workout. I do like working on my tricepts and this routine does manage to do that. Today my arms are sore, and my shoulders. Last night my arms felt like wet noodles, thankfully today they are not quite that bad.

I did Ab Ripper last night also. I was NOT wanting to do Ab Ripper. I did it anyway. I pushed myself harder than last time trying to increase my endurance. The one place I know I am seeing progress is my waist. My shorts wouldn't stay on my butt yesterday so it's time to retire them and go back down a size. Which is a good feeling. Even if the pictures don't show the waist getting smaller, my clothes certainly tell the tale.

I took my stats today since it's officially Day 30. I'll post my stats and pics soon. Tonight is Plyo, good old Plyo. Still pushing play, every day, without fail.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

P90X Day 27: Cardio X- End of Phase 1!!

Well it's official I have completed Phase 1 of the P90X program. I'll have to admit it got easier as the weeks went by. My mindset changed from forcing myself to do my exercise, to instead just knowing I was going to do it period. It's becoming a habit, a good habit, and I feel better about myself, and I think I am starting to look better too.

When I think about the things I have going for me, that are just my accomplishments, there's not very many. I am wrapped up in the world of my kids, and their accomplishments. But P90X is mine. It's something I am doing for me. Something I can feel good about, and proud of. And it feels great to have something of my own.

The work out last night was just the normal Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo, Core mix. I've noticed increased strength when I do my downward dogs. My arms can hold me up for much longer than they used to. My flexibility is increasing, I can bend over with my legs spread wide and put my hands flat on the ground. That didn't happen before.

Little by little I am getting stronger, more flexible, and increasing my muscles. Phase 1 is over and I can't even imagine how much more I'll improve in Phases 2 and 3. I guess time will tell since I am going to full 90 days. Pictures and my stats are coming soon. That will be a fun thing to see as well. Today is my rest day and I am going to do just that!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

P90X Day 26: Core Syn. Unexpected delay

Last night did not go as planned. As I started up the DVD and was warming up when fireworks from our nearby elementary school started going off for the end of their school carnival. My Saint Bernard Lucy peeked in at me once and she looked a little freaked, but I really didn't think she'd do anything other than hide in her doghouse.

Hubby came out of the den and decided to check on the dogs and it was only then that we realized that Lucy was gone. Gone because she apparently became so panicked by the fireworks that she barreled her way through our back gate and ran for her life through the neighborhood. We know this because neighbors saw her running for her life through the streets and then the trail went cold. She was gone.

We called for her, hubby drove and walked the neighborhood. I whistled and kept calling her name but it was no use, she wasn't anywhere to be found. By this time it was past ten and I wasn't NOT in the mood to do Core Synergistics. I was worried about my puppy and thinking the worst, but I did my exercise anyway. The full hour. I still hate the exercises, but I did them the best I could, modifying if necessary. I improved on some, but not others. I just tried to get through the hour and then I went to bed.

Who was waiting by our fence this morning when hubby got up? Lucy. She came home. My sweet baby came home. All is right in my world once again. And SEE YA Core Synergistics in Week 8!!!

Friday, May 20, 2011

P90X Day 25: X-Stretch

I was actually looking forward to X-stretch last night. It sounded easy, and since I am not super flexible I thought it would do me some good. I was right. I woke up this morning and my back is a little sore so I stretched something right. A lot of the stretches were the same ones that we already do in the warm-ups and cool-downs, but there were a few new ones thrown in. Honestly my only complaint is that I think an hour was just a bit too long. The time didn't go as fast as it usually does and so the hour seemed to drag. Overall I liked X-stretch but it's not something that I'd want to do every day or anything.

As I near the final few days of the first Phase I can't help but think about how far I've come. I struggled the first week or so with some of the moves. I lost my morale at a few points along the way. Now I am almost 1/3 of the way done and I am happy that I have pressed on. I have gotten stronger, more flexible, and in much better shape. I actually have some muscle on me which I have never had. I have a bicept! I have calf muscles! And my stomach, which I thought was beyond repair, is slowly but surely shrinking.

P90X may not be for everyone, but if you have the time (Which really who doesn't have 1 hour a day? My hubby works two jobs and still finds the time to do his hour of P90X), the dedication (Sure you'll have doubts, but just keep pushing play), and the drive (You can do it! Just take it one exercise at a time and MODIFY!) it CAN work for you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

P90X Day 24: Kenpo

Last night was Kenpo and I really enjoyed it. I feel like I pushed myself really hard and didn't dog it at all. I had a lot of fun doing all the punches and kicks. I am finally getting all of the moves down really well. I find it incredibly amazing that three weeks ago the breaks in this DVD were difficult for me because Tony has you do running, jumping jacks, and X's for over a minute, and now the breaks are easy and no problem at all. Overall I am just feeling better physically, I can see the changes that this program is making little by little and I like them.

I haven't written about my eating habits lately and if I am following my rules. I am still, without fail eating the last meal/snack of the day well before 8:00 rolls around. One day I did have popcorn right before the deadline, but I only had a little and still had it finished before 8:00. On the whole thought I have eaten much earlier and haven't felt the need to snack after dinner. I am glad I finally broke the eating while watching T.V. habit.

I have also been eating breakfast every single day. Some days it is just a high fiber bar but it's something to get my metabolism going for the day. I will have more time for breakfast soon when my eldest is out of school for summer. That will sure be nice.

The one rule I have been not doing well on is eating the fruit. We just ran out of fruit to eat and I've been waiting for hubby to get paid to buy more fruit. I plan on restocking up our fruit supply today so that shouldn't be an issue anymore.

I am just chugging along and taking this day by day. I have no intention on stopping until I reach my goal of 90 days. Tonight is X-Stretch which will be interesting since I haven't done it before. I'll let you all know how it went tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

P90X Day 23: Core Synergistics

To say I did not like Core Synergistics is an understatement. I hated Core. A lot of the moves were very hard for me to do, and on at least one occasion impossible for me to do. I didn't feel like Tony offered a lot of moves to modify and so if I couldn't do the move I was left without another option. I was pretty frustrated by not being able to do moves and not having an alternative to fall back on. I tried my best, but clearly I did not get the work out I should have gotten.

There were lots of weird push-ups, and since push-ups are not my strength, doing even harder ones only made it worse. The tip of the day was to engage meaning to keep your tummy muscles taunt the whole time, and I found that difficult to accomplish while doing the moves. Overall I was very unhappy with Core, but maybe I'll do better the next time, which is only in a day or two.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

P90X Day 22: Cardio X

Believe it or not, I made it to my recovery week. The first phase of P90X is nearly over. I am feeling very proud of myself for pushing through even on the days I wanted to give up. Having my husbands support really helps me keep going. We're in this together and we're both going to finish it and be better for it. Cardio X last night was fun as usual. It's funny how before if you told me I was going to exercise for 45 minutes I'd have thought I would die, but now I look at 45 minutes of exercise as a break. =)

My good news to share about yesterday is that my way too small green shorts can button now! WOO HOO! That means I am definitely making progress around my waist, so Ab Ripper must be doing something. Now these shorts are still WAY too small, and I have a ways to go, but just the fact I can button them means there has been progress! I hope to one day post a picture of me in these green shorts with them fitting just right. Won't that be something?

Tonight is Core Synergistics. This DVD is new to me. I have never used it before. I am excited and scared to see how hard it is tonight. More ab work can only be good for me right?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

P90X Day 20: Kenpo

Last night we did Kenpo. This will be the last work out with my hubby for at least 2 weeks. That's a bummer, we have so much fun working out together. We've been turning off all the Tony Horton chat and just have the cues on so we know which new move to do, and instead we've been listening to our own music. That livens things up also. I am really glad that today is my rest day, and that tomorrow begins my "rest" week. It's neat to think I am going farther than ever before. I can't wait to see my 30 day stats and pictures. Have a good Sunday everyone. =)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

P90X Day 19: Legs and Back

Another week of Legs and Back. It went well. I upped my weights, I increased my reps when using the bands. I pushed myself, and then I did the Ab Ripper which I continue to improve at. Only one more exercise and I am into my recovery week officially going farther in this program than ever before. Yay!

I had a friend over yesterday and she asked about the P90X and I explained it to her. She told me there is no way that this program was something she would do for life, she'd prefer walking. I understand where she's coming from. There is a reason I balked at doing this. Lifting weights, push ups, Pull ups, they were all things that I'd never want to do. But I am doing them. I am building up my body like never before, getting muscles where I've never had them, and it feels great. The old me would have said the same thing as my friend, the new me thinks maybe this is something doable for a very, very long time.

Browsing around yesterday looking at P90X blogs I found Tony Hortons blog. I read back multiple pages and I found his words to be pretty inspiring for the most part. I enjoyed reading it so I thought I'd post a link to it here. http://tonyhorton.blogspot.com/ Enjoy.

Friday, May 13, 2011

P90X Day 18: Cardio X

Last night was fun. I really like the Cardio X work out. It's even more enjoyable getting to work out with hubby. It was the normal cycle of Yoga, Kenpo, Plyo, and Core. It's a fast 50 minutes and I felt pretty good afterward. I think I am really starting to get the hang of most of these work outs. Just in time to switch things up again in Phase 2.

This weekend may be challenging because I have two birthday parties to attend. Where there are birthdays there usually is good junky party food. I am not saying I won't eat, or that I will only eat X amount of calories. I will say that I will try and keep myself in check and know that I need to work that much harder on my Kenpo workout on Saturday.

I've started feeling like I look skinnier. Maybe it's all in my head but even if that is the case as long as I feel skinnier, I will probably feel better about myself even if I do look the same. I am even contemplating buying a new suit and/or wearing my tankini this summer. I *think* I can pull it off and not always have to opt for the black one piece. We'll see, I still have another 2 weeks before this becomes an issue since that's when the first pool play date is scheduled.

Legs today. WOO Woo!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

P90X Day 16: Plyometrics Jump, jump!

Last night was a good work out for me. Plyo is fun, fast, and it gets the job done. Towards the end of the work out I was wearing down, but I notice that I am getting farther and farther into it before I start "doggin' it". I was pretty happy that I didn't have the Ab Ripper last night, the same cannot be said for tonight. At least I feel like my abs are tightening up. They still may not look the best, but something is changing with them and one day my hard work will show on the outside.

Yesterday I was pretty frustrated with the whole P90X thing. I feel like I am working my butt off and not seeing much in the way of results. A nice talk with my hubby and he reassures me that it hasn't been that long. That I am still in the very beginning stages of this whole process. I am committed to the full 90 days regardless of what I look like on Day 15, Day 45, or Day 70. It's only on Day 91 when all three phases are complete that I will decide if it was worth it. I am hoping that answer will be a resounding YES!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

P90X Day 15: Shoulders and Back=hell

Of all the Dvd's I hate the Shoulders and Back DVD the most. I despise push-ups and this DVD is filled with them. Standard, Wide, Diamond, Military, and decline push-ups. Ugh. Kill.me.now. And once you go through them and you think "Yeah I made it!" You have to go through them ALL again.

They mix things up by adding pull-ups in between all the push ups but they are not much fun either. On the bright side I did improve on b0th my pull-ups and my push-ups. Not by a huge margin, but by at least one more. The other good news is this is the last time I have to do Shoulders and back until Week 9. The bad news is that the DVD I replace it with is WORSE according to hubby. Oh well I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

My eating over the weekend wasn't the best. Our anniversary+ Mother's Day = Too much bad for you food that I ate with glee. There shouldn't be any other special events until my birthday at the end of July so I think I can get a good stretch in of healthy eating. I think I need a good stretch, my clothes are still sort of tight around the middle.

Okay tonight is Plyo. I get to burn off all the calories I ate over the weekend. Woo.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

P90X Day 13: Kenpo

Happy Mother's Day. Last night we celebrated with hubby's family. We had a nice time, a delicious meal, and great dessert. Tuxedo Mousse Cake from Costco is the BOMB! I was so bad, I had two pieces of it. Despite my over indulgence I did my Kenpo last night. I am happy that hubby does Kenpo with me now since I was punching with the wrong hands, and messing up my kicks also. He got me on the right track and hopefully now I can keep things straight.

Let me just say how happy I am that today is a rest day. I plan on kicking back and watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix without having to even think about Tony Horton at all. See you Monday buddy, tonight is my night off!

Have a great Mother's Day everyone. And I'll be back in action on Monday.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

P90X Day 12: Legs & Back

Legs and Back has gotten easier for me. Which is good. I added weights to some of the exercises to make it more challenging for me. Doing the bands with hubby means added resistance, so I know my back got a work out for sure. Ab Ripper was tough as always but I managed to complete the entire 25 bicycles without stopping for the very first time. Woo! It's fun to see progress, especially on the Ab Ripper, since it is SO hard.

Yesterday was our anniversary so we went out to eat. We got a ton of food but we brought the kids with us so they helped us eat some of it. Thankfully I am not tied to the scale anymore so I am not worried about what my weight is after our meal out. I did my exercise. I have plenty of time before my 30 day weigh in to work off any extra calories that I ate last night. It's all good.

Kenpo is tonight and then tomorrow is my wonderful rest day. So nice that it falls on Mother's Day. I'm chugging right along and soon I'll be on Week 3. It's amazing to me how I complain about having to take an hour or more out of my day to exercise, but really what would I be doing instead? Vegging in front of the T.V. for that hour and being a lazy slob. Instead I am using that same hour to better myself, and to keep myself healthy and fit. I don't need more T.V. time. I need to feel better about me. And that's just what the P90 X is doing. This is a big step in the right direction for my life.

Friday, May 6, 2011

P90X Day 11: Cardio X

Believe it or not Cardio X is kind of like a break for me. A bunch of Yoga moves in the beginning are not too hard. Although my upper body strength still leave something to be desired so all of the downward dogs are still tough for me. Kenpo is always fun, and the four Pylo moves that we do are actually some of my favorites. The Core exercises are the hardest but they are right at the end and by the time we get to them I know we're almost done so I just push through. The whole thing is shorter than the other exercises so the time goes by fast. All in all it was a good night.

I am not seeing much visible change to my body yet. My clothes still fit snug. I do see some muscles developing in my arms, bicepts especially. I would really like to notice some difference in my abs but so far they seem the same to me. Oh well it's only day 11 and as Tony says Rome wasn't built in a day and neither was your body. I'll keep on, keeping on.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

P90X Day 10: Shoulders & Arms

This is one of my favorite exercise routines because it works out my flabby arms. I have always hated my left arm, because ever since I broke my shoulder as a child, it has never looked the same as my right arm. It isn't set straight so I don't have 100% mobility in it, and it always looks fatter than the other arm which annoys me.

Last night was nothing but bicept curls, tricept curls, and other curls to work out my arms and shoulders. I used my eight pound weights for nearly all the exercises. The hour takes a long time, unlike some of the other DVD's where the time flies by. By the end of it I was tired and I didn't want to do the Ab Ripper but I did it anyway.

Yesterday I cheated and peeked at the scale. I shouldn't have, but what's done is done. I'll keep my numbers to myself, since it's only been a week and I have a while to go. And I will try harder to keep off the scale until my 30 days are up.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

P90X Day 9: Plyometrics

Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day starting at 6:15 a.m. and it didn't really end until 7:30 last night. As you can imagine by the time I got home I was pretty darn tired and not feeling like doing Plyometics at all. Luckily last night was a night when hubby and my work outs were the same and so despite wanting to lie on the couch and veg in front of the T.V. hubby and I did our Plyo together.

I found that I could keep up better than I could last week. I am in better Cardio shape for sure. By the end of the DVD I was tired and not doing everything perfectly but I was still trying to get my feet off the ground and moving in some way. I like doing my exercises with my hubby because he helps make the time pass by faster, and he also motivates me to do my exercises better. After Plyo was over, I cooled down, crawled in my bed, and crashed for the night.

Eating wise I didn't do so well. My mom took me out for lunch, and then for dinner we ate out again. I'm hoping that Pylo helped offset any extra calories that I ate over my daily calorie goal. Today I am back on track and ready for the start of a new day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

P90X Day 8: Chest and Back

Yesterday was the start of week 2 and my first completed Chest and Back workout since last week I got sick and needed to stop early. By doing my work sheet every day after I complete an exercise, I am able to meet or beat my goals from the last weeks session. Last night I beat everything I did from the week before. I did more push-ups, more pull-ups, more heavy pants, and I used my 8 lb weights instead of the 5 lb ones. Honestly Chest and Back is not my favorite DVD. My arms are wimpy, and I don't like push-ups at all. But I just keep on pushing play, doing my best, and forgetting the rest.

I followed the Chest and Back DVD with the Ab Ripper and I think I made a little more progress on that one also. And for the first time I was able to make it through all 25 of the In & Out's without taking a break. I still have a long, long way to go, but I am slowly getting somewhere. It helps that I do the Ab Ripper three times a week, instead of just once.

My eating out over the weekend wasn't the greatest, but I did pretty good. I went over my calories a little bit on Saturday and Sunday, but I didn't totally blow it and eat whatever I wanted to all day, every day. I have been tempted to hop on the scale and see if I've made any progress, but I am still holding out and trying to wait the full 30 days.

Tonight is Pukeometrics,,,,I mean Plyometrics. I enjoy the fast paced cardio workout, but it IS a killer. I've read online that it burns nearly 600 calories. Whether it burns that much or not, the fact remains that I'll be doing Plyo tonight and I am going to Bring It.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

P90X Day 6: Legs & Back

It's official! I finished my first week of P90X and it feels great! The hardest week is over and boy am I glad! Last night was legs & back. There were a ton of lunges and pull-ups. The worst exercises being the wall squats (ouchie!) and the sneaky lunges (2 full minutes of torture). I could tell that I was wearing down towards the end of the hour. And yes it even flashed in my mind to skip the 16 minute Ab Ripper, but I ignored that thought and did the Ab Ripper as planned. And that hurt, and I yelled at the T.V. when he had me do horribly hard Ab exercises, but I did it! I made it through! And today I am SO SO SO happy that it's my day off! Woo hoo!

Yesterday we also bought me some new 8 lb weights because the 5 lb ones weren't enough weight for me on my Arms workout last week. We also bought a Yoga Mat because the ground is hard, and the girls tumbling mat wasn't working well enough for Downward Dog and other exercises. Now we just need a heart rate monitor, but that's going to be a while because they are pricey. =(

I've talked a lot about exercises this week and not much about what I've been eating. Two of my new favorite foods are the Fiber One Chocolate Fudge Brownie and the Kelloggs Fiber Plus Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar. The Brownie is only 90 calories and it has 5 grams of fiber in it. But most importantly it really tastes good which makes it a worthy snack or dessert item. We bought a box of them (38 in a box) at our local Costco. The Kelloggs bars are 130 calories and they have 9 grams of fiber. They also taste really good and I usually eat them as an afternoon snack. It comes with 6 in a box and we bought them at our local Win Co. These two treats help me satisfy my sweet tooth without blowing my daily calories, and the added fiber is always nice too.

One week down, and eleven to go. I am excited to continue with this process. Even on the nights I am tired and don't want to work out, I always feel better after I do. As Tony says "Just keep popping the DVD in and pushing play." That's what I do, and already my body is changing for the better. I love this quote "Try your best and forget the rest!" You bet I am!