Friday, June 24, 2011

P90X Days 59 & 60: Shoulders & Arms and Cardio X

I didn't feel like blogging twice yesterday and I felt like my stats and pictures were the more interesting thing to post, so today I'll do a combined post of the past two days workouts.

Shoulders & Arms- It's been quite a lot of weeks since I had done this work out. I'm up to 10 lb weights on all of the beginning exercises. I go down to 8 lbs on some of the middle exercises, and yes I still use 5 lbs on the shoulder flys. I tried 8lbs and it was a BIG no go. I enjoy this work out just because it works on my flabby arms, which I think are looking a little more toned, even if it doesn't show up on the pictures very well.

Ab Ripper- I did better but I am still not getting the Crunchy Frogs done without stopping. I'll keep working on that. Everything else went well.

Cardio X- It was another hot night which makes us wait a little later to do our exercise. When we got started it was 9:00p.m. I can't say too much about this. It went well and I enjoyed working out with my hubby as always.

Another weekend, another chance to do good eating. It should be easier this weekend since there are not any holidays, or special occasions. I can't say the same about the next weekend with hubby's birthday on the 2nd, and then fourth of July on Monday, so I'd better be really good this weekend and week.

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