Tuesday, June 14, 2011

P90X Day 50: Cardio X and Ab Ripper!

Let me start by saying that I totally rocked Ab Ripper last night. It wasn't even a day I was supposed to do Ab Ripper since I am on my recovery week, but hubby asked if I wanted to join him since he had to do Ab Ripper and boy am I glad that I said Yes.

Normally I can only make it completely through a couple of the moves without stopping, but last night I pushed myself farther than ever before. Last night I did the reverse bicycles, crunchy frogs, and Mason Twists without stopping at all. I felt so damn awesome afterward. Those are a few of the hardest moves in the Ab Ripper and I did them 100%, all the way. Let me just tell you I was on cloud nine last night.

My Cardio X work out went well also. I sweated like crazy and tried to burn as many calories as possible. It was a quick, fun 45 minutes and I felt great when I was finished for the night.

Another thing that had me totally pumped up yesterday was trying on my way too small green shorts. It's been a full month since I've tried them on and taken pictures and WOW! The green shorts that at one time couldn't even fasten at my belly, now button close with ease and I even have a tiny bit of room in the back of them. The pictures I took clearly show a much smaller Ab area.

I have a goal in my head that before the end of the shorts wearing season this year I am going to put those green shorts on and wear them out in public because they are going to fit me perfectly, or if I am really lucky they may even be a little too big on me. That will be awesome.

I have a busy day ahead of me and I am ready for it. Have a great day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Post pics of green shorts. I'm starting fresh now that I'm back. ~ANG
