Friday, June 10, 2011

P90X Day 46: Cardio X

Another round of Cardio X went off last night without a hitch. We were moving and grooving to the radio while doing Yoga, Plyometrics, Kenpo, and Core. I'm thinking we burned a few calories by the end of it, which is always a good thing.

Last night I was looking for blogs from women that showcase their 90 days with before and after pics and sadly there wasn't many. In fact almost every woman's blog I stumbled onto did not complete the whole 90 days. For various reasons, their kids getting sick, their lives becoming too busy, etc. they just stopped the program. And that makes me sad because I know firsthand how much good the P90X can do if you're dedicated to following it through to the end.

I know I am not yet at the end, but barring some major physical illness I have every intention of making it to day 90. Sure it's hard sometimes to exercise when you don't feel good, or you've had a long busy day and you just want to collapse from exhaustion, but that's not how you get results. You get them by pushing through the hard stuff, by making yourself push play no matter what, and after you get through that rough patch you are glad you did.

I'm nearing my second recovery week soon. That will be a welcome break from the normal routine. It's weird to say I think I might miss Ab ripper a little. Like Tony Horton says I hate it, but I love it. Well it's Friday and I am glad about that. Legs tonight. Woo.

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