Thursday, June 9, 2011

P90X Day 45: Back & Biceps

Something went right last night because boy am I sore today. I am pretty stiff around my shoulders and I blame it on the pull-ups. I swear that pull-up bar will be super loose one day, and freaking tight as hell the next. You just never know. Last night it was super tight so meeting or beating my numbers was a challenge, but I managed to anyway. I increased my weights to 10 pounds for nearly every exercise that required weights. Then I did Ab Ripper with my hubby and that was, as always, a joy. =P The plan for tonight is Cardio X, which I love, love, love!

Last night we ended up eating at Costco but hubby had a plan. We split a Combo pizza slice which always is 2 slices on one plate, so hubby ate one, and I ate the other. Then we got some frozen yogurt and 2 churros and we split everything with the kids. So I really only had 1/2 a churro and a few bites of frozen yogurt. The point of this is that we can still get the good foods we enjoy, we just modify it so we eat less. This strategy can be used for a lot of foods. If you are a dessert-a-holic like I am, you can still have some cake, just share a slice with a loved one, or take a very small slice so that you get a taste for it, without blowing your calories for the day.

The hardest part for me is at big parties, which we have a couple coming up this summer. Parties where the table is filled with lots of yummy things, and it's hard to not want to pile your plate to the brim. You have choices though. You can just choose the things that you REALLY want in small amounts. Or you can skip some things that you just kind of want, in favor of the few food items that you really want. Also if it's a pot luck, feel free to bring something healthy that you enjoy, so that you can at least count on one healthy alternative being there for you to munch on. A veggie plate, hummus and whole wheat crackers, or a fruit plate all come to mind.

Okay have a lovely Thursday and say cool out there. =)

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