Thursday, June 2, 2011

P90X Day 38: Back & Biceps

It was a good work out for me last night. I increased my weights up to 10 lbs on nearly all of the exercises. I tried to really push myself to do more, and I feel like I did. I didn't do quite as good on my Ab Ripper last night, I am not sure why.

I started tracking my eating habits again using The Daily Plate. I may off gotten off track somewhere and that's why the scale is not being kind to me. Hubby started writing down what he eats and he's right I need to do that also. It's good to really see how many calories things are before I put them in my mouth, or even after I do, so I can adjust my eating for the rest of the day. Healthy eating + exercise= toned, trimmed me.

I have a busy day ahead of me so I'm out.

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