Wednesday, June 22, 2011

P90X Day 58: Plyometrics

Yesterday was so flipping hot, and today is going to be even hotter. Doing our Plyo last night was sweaty and tough, mainly because of the heat. Here is one of the downsides to doing our exercise in our living room and not at a gym. At a gym the A/C would be going and we'd be cool, at our house we can't turn the A/C WAY down, so we stick to a higher temperature and sweat it out. I feel bad for hubby though, he rides 22 miles in the outside heat and then comes home to do his P90X. Now that's dedication.

Plyo was typical except for the point where I stepped on my own foot and crashed to the floor hurting my knee. Good times let me tell you. Usually the Chair kicks have me smashing my toe into the chair, but no last night I got a special disaster. Hubby thinks I am so funny. =P At least I make our workouts entertaining.

Tomorrow is Day 60. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one. I hope I can see some further progress in the pictures. I'll post my pics and stats tomorrow so stay tuned for that. Hubby is nearing the end of his 90 challenge, and I am on the final phase. I can't believe we did it. We're awesome! I can't wait to say I am a P90X graduate. Have a great day everyone!

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