Sunday, June 5, 2011

P90X Day 41: Kenpo

Last night was another round of Kenpo. Kenpo includes massive amounts of punches, kicks, and blocks. It is a good cardio workout. Even during the small waterbreaks Tony has you running in place, skipping rope, doing jumping jacks, and X exercises. It's not really much of a break let me tell you. I love it though. My heart is pumping, my body is moving, and I usually feel incredibly great. I may not do Kenpo perfectly (according to my hubby) but I try hard and I do my best and I think that's what counts.

Hubby was saying that a lot of women don't stick to the P90X. I can see why. I balked at doing it. Lifting weights and muscle building is so not my thing. I just wanted to lose weight and tone up. Now I feel like I can't go back to just losing weight. I enjoy my little muscles too much. I like being able to carry heavy things without having to struggle as much. I like seeing my body start to tone more and more.

I may do P90X lean for my next 90 day cycle, I haven't decided yet, but I do know that when the 90 days end I am not done. I am just going to keep going and going until my body is at a place that I feel is at its best, and then I am going to workout some more. Because it's good for me. It's good for our family, for our kids to see us exercising. It's a new way of life and yes some days I'd rather skip it, but skipping it is just not in the cards anymore. Pushing through and just doing it anyway is. P90X works and why stop a good thing?

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