Friday, June 17, 2011

P90X Day 53: X Stretch

Last night was X Stretch which I haven't done in a month. I wasn't really excited about it because for one I am not really all that flexible, and two the time goes by so slow. I wish it had been a cardio workout, but oh well. I did my full hour of X stretch and I won't need to do it again until the end of Phase 3. Tonight is Core. Ick.

We have another busy weekend planned, plus its Father's Day on Sunday so I think it's going to be a challenging weekend when it comes to eating healthy. I'll give myself a little slack, but not too much. I usually eat above my calorie range on one of my weekend days, so I'll try to stick to that this weekend and be really good the other days. It won't be easy though.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

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