Saturday, June 11, 2011

P90X Day 47 and 48: Legs & Back and Kenpo

Legs & Back was a good workout as always. I was pretty impressed by how much my numbers have increased from Week 1 especially when it comes to the pull-ups. To give you an idea I am going to show you what was the most I did on week 1 and then what I did last night on week 7.

Reverse grip chin-ups: 12/26
Wide Front pull-ups: 17/26
Close grip overhead pull-ups:16/26
Switch grip pull-ups: 11/26

There has definitely been some progress made. The numbers don't lie. =)

Tonight we did Kenpo. Not our best work out by any means. I waited too long to start it, we ate later than normal so we were kind of bogged down, and we didn't eat super healthy today. All of these things contributed to a sub par work out. Oh well, I guess everyone is entitled to an off day now and again. We'll rest up tomorrow and then I start my recovery week on Monday. WOO HOO!

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