Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P90X Day 57: Chest & Back

It's been a long time since I've done Chest & Back, five weeks to be exact. Hubby had told me that I would find the workout much easier this time around, since the Phase 2 workout are so much harder and intense, and I found what he said to be true. I've gained a lot of strength and muscle in the past five weeks. The push-ups were pretty darn easy, I was able to do way more then I could in Week 3. And my numbers on the pull-ups were pretty low compared to the numbers I was doing in Phase 2. The next time I do Chest & Back it will be the last time which is pretty exciting, I am pretty excited that I am onto the last Phase of my 90 day challenge.

The Ab Ripper last night was a little more challenging. I did not do my Ab Ripper last week because it was my recovery week, except for the first Monday when I totally kicked Ab Ripper's butt. Last night it kind of kicked my butt back, although I was still able to do the reverse bicycles, and the Mason Twists all the way through. I got too tired with the Crunchy Frogs last night. Hopefully Wednesday night I'll do better.

Today is going to be a hot day, they're saying 105. I plan to spend the day swimming in my IL's pool and trying not to fry myself. Have a cool (ha!) day everyone.

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