Wednesday, June 15, 2011

P90X Day 51: Core Synergistics & Green Short Pics

Yesterday I did Core Synergistics. One of my least favorite DVD's of the entire set. I don't like that there are so many complicated push ups and Tony doesn't offer up much in the modification of them. I just muddle through them the best that I can, but ultimately I feel like I am not getting the full benefit of the work out. It's just kind of frustrating and annoying to me. Oh well thankfully I only have to do Core on the recovery weeks so it isn't that big of a deal.

Someone asked me yesterday to post the pics of me in the green shorts. So without further ado, and please realize that these were never going to be for public viewing so go easy on me, here are the green short pics.

These were taken April 8th. I weighed 144.9 in these pics. I could not even button the shorts, I had too much fat in the way.

These were taken May 16th. Six weeks into this healthy lifestyle change. I could finally button the shorts.

These were taken June 13th. The closest weigh-in I had was the Friday before these were taken and I weighed 142.6. The astonishing thing is that even though the scale isn't much lower then I was on Week 1, you can see remarkable change to my midsection. This just goes to show that the scale is not the best tool to use when you are exercising daily.

I am happy with my progress thus far, I am hoping to get these shorts to the point they fit perfectly or are even too big, like I said yesterday. I've still got a while to go, but I'll get there.

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