Thursday, June 30, 2011

P90X Day 66: Back & Biceps

Entertain your ears to the wonderful voice of Dia Frampton. It's the least I can do since she didn't win The Voice last night. Hopefully she'll still get a record deal and I can buy her DVD some day soon.

As for P90X I did Back & Biceps last night. It's clear that I need a heavier weight for most of the moves. I'm thinking maybe I'll buy 12 or 15 lb weights for my birthday. I enjoyed working on my Biceps. I feel comfortable doing the many Bicep curls and I feel like it shows. We compared my arms yesterday to pictures if my arms last year around my birthday and I can see a difference. My arms are looking better this year then they did last year, and last year I weighed less then I do now. So it's a good thing.

We have a super busy weekend planned and hubby and I are thinking of how we're going to work our P90X into it. I think I'll do my Legs & Back in the morning on Friday so I won't have to do it after I stuff my face eating out with my hubby for his birthday Friday night. Saturday we'll do our Kenpo in the morning because we're headed to the cabin in the afternoon to spend the night with my IL's. So we have plans set, our P90X routines will not stop just because we're busy. Exercise is now a way of life for us. Period.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

P90X Day 65: Plyometrics

Plyo last night was a lot of fun. It wasn't too hot thanks to an approaching storm, so I had the windows and doors open, and with the cool breeze it was much nicer. I feel like I really pushed myself. I jumped higher, kept my fire going longer, and at the end I felt invigorated. It was a good workout. And to think that Plyo was so challenging two months ago I could barely finish the DVD and now I can do it and feel great at the end. It's pretty amazing how your body can change in just two short months.

Hubby and I have a weight loss challenge that we started April 1st and it ends this Friday. It is based on percentage of weight lost so that it would be a little more fair. Well I must send out a kudos to my hubby since it looks like he has this in the bag. He has rocked it by doing the P90X and riding his bike, and because of all his hard work he's going to win the challenge. I am super happy for him. Friday is the day, so we'll see what happens, but I am pretty sure I'll be congratulating him then. He is amazing when he puts his mind to something you just can't stop him. =)

Have a cool day everyone.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

P90X Day 64: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

I forgot how hard this DVD was. Or maybe I got used to it in Phase 2. Last night it was tough all over again. Some reps I went higher on, but some I didn't. My arms felt tired by the end of it. I guess this is proving that the P90X muscle confusion plan works because my muscles were all like "What the?" When previously my muscles were in a good groove with this workout.

I also figured out the trick with Ab Ripper. If I do my muscle exercise and then wait about 10 minutes to do my Ab Ripper I have much better success with the Ab Ripper. That's what I did last night and I was able to do all the super hard moves on the Ab Ripper. Crunchy Frogs-check! Reverse Bicycles- Check! Mason Twists- Check! It felt good to have another great Ab Ripper run.

This weekend is worrying me. It's my hubby's birthday and we'll be going out to celebrate that. There's dinner with his family, and then the fourth of July. I am not sure how I am supposed to not gain weight with all of these special occasions packed into one little three day weekend. Sigh. This is where we blow it every year. We kick butt until July and then we just lose momentum and peter out. I don't want that to happen this year. Not at all. I've got to figure out what I am going to do to stay on track and not overeat for three whole days. We'll see what I can come up with.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

P90X Day 62: Kenpo

Yesterday is another example of Eat bad food= have a bad workout. I know better. I know we shouldn't have gone for pizza and garlic bread, but I was craving pizza and it's been SO long. Big mistake.

My workout last night was pathetic. I was doggin' it the entire time. No energy. No fire. Just going through the motions, and not very well either. Sorry Tony, I didn't bring it. I'll enjoy my rest day and get back to business on Monday, with a better workout.

Today I am going out to lunch with a friend. I plan on ordering light and doing a lot of walking and talking to work it off. I had cheerio's for breakfast so I am off to a good start. I will do better today.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

P90X Day 61: Legs & Back

Let's talk about Legs & Back. It's a good work out. My legs still get tired and shaky on some of the exercises. Chair Salutations suck. The Wall squats are not fun either, especially the one leg wall squats. But more than all of that there are lots of pull-ups. Now that I am 2/3rds of the way done by numbers are pretty high in the pull-up department which means if I try to beat my past numbers (which I do) then I really have to push myself. It's a good thing, but during the work out I am not so thrilled with doing 28 pull-ups. Good thing we use the pull-up bar, or I would still not be doing ANY pull-ups at all. Today my upper back hurts so I think they did the job.

My hubby is almost finished with his 90 day challenge. I am so very proud of him for sticking with this, and for adding the additional bike riding. He is a super star. He plans to continue another 90 days of P90X and then after that possibly even another round. He's awesome and he's looking so muscular and his clothes are all falling off of him. I think that because we're doing this together I feel such a huge amount of pride for what he's done. I know how hard the exercises are, I know how hot it's been outside while he's riding, I know how much he's putting into this, and the fact that he hasn't stopped, but rather increased everything, well it's just so freaking great I want to tell everyone how far he's come and how great he is. =)

We have a good weekend planned. So I'd better get to it. Have a nice one everyone.

Friday, June 24, 2011

P90X Days 59 & 60: Shoulders & Arms and Cardio X

I didn't feel like blogging twice yesterday and I felt like my stats and pictures were the more interesting thing to post, so today I'll do a combined post of the past two days workouts.

Shoulders & Arms- It's been quite a lot of weeks since I had done this work out. I'm up to 10 lb weights on all of the beginning exercises. I go down to 8 lbs on some of the middle exercises, and yes I still use 5 lbs on the shoulder flys. I tried 8lbs and it was a BIG no go. I enjoy this work out just because it works on my flabby arms, which I think are looking a little more toned, even if it doesn't show up on the pictures very well.

Ab Ripper- I did better but I am still not getting the Crunchy Frogs done without stopping. I'll keep working on that. Everything else went well.

Cardio X- It was another hot night which makes us wait a little later to do our exercise. When we got started it was 9:00p.m. I can't say too much about this. It went well and I enjoyed working out with my hubby as always.

Another weekend, another chance to do good eating. It should be easier this weekend since there are not any holidays, or special occasions. I can't say the same about the next weekend with hubby's birthday on the 2nd, and then fourth of July on Monday, so I'd better be really good this weekend and week.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

P90X 60 day Stats & Pics

Starting Weight: 151.3
Body fat %: 30.2

30 day Weight: 144.9
Body fat %: 29.0

60 day Weight: 138.7
Body fat %: 27.5

Total weight lost for the 60 days is 12.6 pounds.
Total fat percentage lost for the 60 days is 2.7 percent.

I am happy with my weight loss and fat % loss this past 30 days. I am losing approx. 6 pounds per 30 days which isn't too shabby. I love the fact that my fat percentage continues to creep down. That means I am replacing fat with muscle and that can only be a good thing. 30 more days to go and then I'll be a P90X graduate. WOO HOO!

I am not thrilled with the latest pic. It almost looks like I am thinner in the second pic, but that cannot be the case because I am losing inches around my waist, my green short pics proved that last week.

This is better. I can see my waist is thinning out in the last pic compared to the other two. My muscles are not showing up well, but they are there believe me.

We goofed and did the latest back pic wrong but you can still see the progress made. Again a thinner mid-section and just the tiniest hint of muscle.

Thanks for looking and in just 30 short days I'll be back with the 90 day pictures of my P90X journey. =)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

P90X Day 58: Plyometrics

Yesterday was so flipping hot, and today is going to be even hotter. Doing our Plyo last night was sweaty and tough, mainly because of the heat. Here is one of the downsides to doing our exercise in our living room and not at a gym. At a gym the A/C would be going and we'd be cool, at our house we can't turn the A/C WAY down, so we stick to a higher temperature and sweat it out. I feel bad for hubby though, he rides 22 miles in the outside heat and then comes home to do his P90X. Now that's dedication.

Plyo was typical except for the point where I stepped on my own foot and crashed to the floor hurting my knee. Good times let me tell you. Usually the Chair kicks have me smashing my toe into the chair, but no last night I got a special disaster. Hubby thinks I am so funny. =P At least I make our workouts entertaining.

Tomorrow is Day 60. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one. I hope I can see some further progress in the pictures. I'll post my pics and stats tomorrow so stay tuned for that. Hubby is nearing the end of his 90 challenge, and I am on the final phase. I can't believe we did it. We're awesome! I can't wait to say I am a P90X graduate. Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

P90X Day 57: Chest & Back

It's been a long time since I've done Chest & Back, five weeks to be exact. Hubby had told me that I would find the workout much easier this time around, since the Phase 2 workout are so much harder and intense, and I found what he said to be true. I've gained a lot of strength and muscle in the past five weeks. The push-ups were pretty darn easy, I was able to do way more then I could in Week 3. And my numbers on the pull-ups were pretty low compared to the numbers I was doing in Phase 2. The next time I do Chest & Back it will be the last time which is pretty exciting, I am pretty excited that I am onto the last Phase of my 90 day challenge.

The Ab Ripper last night was a little more challenging. I did not do my Ab Ripper last week because it was my recovery week, except for the first Monday when I totally kicked Ab Ripper's butt. Last night it kind of kicked my butt back, although I was still able to do the reverse bicycles, and the Mason Twists all the way through. I got too tired with the Crunchy Frogs last night. Hopefully Wednesday night I'll do better.

Today is going to be a hot day, they're saying 105. I plan to spend the day swimming in my IL's pool and trying not to fry myself. Have a cool (ha!) day everyone.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

P90X Day 55: Cardio X

Last night I did my favorite, Cardio X and today marks the end of Phase 2. It's hard to believe that I've made it this far, although once I put my mind to something this strongly I generally don't fail to complete it. It feels good being two thirds of the way through. I have really enjoyed the process of this, and seeing the results is awesome. Thursday will be the full 60 days so I'll have updated stats and pictures then. I have a feeling I haven't lost as much weight as the first 30 days but that's to be expected since the first few pounds come off easily, and the farther you get to your goal weight the harder losing weight becomes. But I don't really care because the pictures will tell the tale of how much better I am looking and I already feel so great, a number on a scale doesn't really mean much to me anymore.

So today is Father's Day and I will get it spend it with my hubby, the best dad in the world and my FIL tonight. Give your Daddies a big hug today since not everyone can, and life is too short not to show someone how much you love them and how much they mean to you.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

P90X Day 54: Core Synergistcs again.

Same old, same old with Core last night. I have improved for sure. I was able to do more than ever before, and it got my heart pumping. It still isn't my favorite of the DVD's but I did it and now I'll move onto Cardio X tonight. Now that is a DVD that I do enjoy.

Eating yesterday was not on track, but we were celebrating my Father's Day so I think we were allowed to cheat. I made homemade Italian Rigatoni, garden salad, garlic bread, and for dessert we went to Marble Slab on got some sundae's. SO good. SO bad for us. But the good thing is that we still did our exercise last night, and we're back on track today. I said no to birthday cake... and I love cake. One bad day of eating doesn't derail you, it's continued days of bad eating and little or no exercise that packs on the pounds.

Have a good weekend everyone. =)

Friday, June 17, 2011

P90X Day 53: X Stretch

Last night was X Stretch which I haven't done in a month. I wasn't really excited about it because for one I am not really all that flexible, and two the time goes by so slow. I wish it had been a cardio workout, but oh well. I did my full hour of X stretch and I won't need to do it again until the end of Phase 3. Tonight is Core. Ick.

We have another busy weekend planned, plus its Father's Day on Sunday so I think it's going to be a challenging weekend when it comes to eating healthy. I'll give myself a little slack, but not too much. I usually eat above my calorie range on one of my weekend days, so I'll try to stick to that this weekend and be really good the other days. It won't be easy though.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

P90X Day 52: Kenpo

Last night was another fun round of Kenpo. Not much more to add then that. I punched, kicked, and blocked my way through the hour and then I rested. It was SUPER hot yesterday so doing any exercise at all has me dripping in sweat in no time at all.

For food we went out to dinner because it was just too damn hot to cook. We ended up going to Panda Express. I didn't do my research beforehand so I didn't really know the calorie breakdown until after we came home. I did pretty good. Luckily I love mushroom chicken and that is actually one of the better things you can eat there calorie wise. The sweet fire chicken is not a good item to order but they gave us dried out sweet fire chicken so hubby exchanged it for more mushroom chicken, yeah baby! By the end of the day I was still below my daily calorie goal so I did o.k. overall.

It's going to be another busy day so I better get to it. Stay cool everyone.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

P90X Day 51: Core Synergistics & Green Short Pics

Yesterday I did Core Synergistics. One of my least favorite DVD's of the entire set. I don't like that there are so many complicated push ups and Tony doesn't offer up much in the modification of them. I just muddle through them the best that I can, but ultimately I feel like I am not getting the full benefit of the work out. It's just kind of frustrating and annoying to me. Oh well thankfully I only have to do Core on the recovery weeks so it isn't that big of a deal.

Someone asked me yesterday to post the pics of me in the green shorts. So without further ado, and please realize that these were never going to be for public viewing so go easy on me, here are the green short pics.

These were taken April 8th. I weighed 144.9 in these pics. I could not even button the shorts, I had too much fat in the way.

These were taken May 16th. Six weeks into this healthy lifestyle change. I could finally button the shorts.

These were taken June 13th. The closest weigh-in I had was the Friday before these were taken and I weighed 142.6. The astonishing thing is that even though the scale isn't much lower then I was on Week 1, you can see remarkable change to my midsection. This just goes to show that the scale is not the best tool to use when you are exercising daily.

I am happy with my progress thus far, I am hoping to get these shorts to the point they fit perfectly or are even too big, like I said yesterday. I've still got a while to go, but I'll get there.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

P90X Day 50: Cardio X and Ab Ripper!

Let me start by saying that I totally rocked Ab Ripper last night. It wasn't even a day I was supposed to do Ab Ripper since I am on my recovery week, but hubby asked if I wanted to join him since he had to do Ab Ripper and boy am I glad that I said Yes.

Normally I can only make it completely through a couple of the moves without stopping, but last night I pushed myself farther than ever before. Last night I did the reverse bicycles, crunchy frogs, and Mason Twists without stopping at all. I felt so damn awesome afterward. Those are a few of the hardest moves in the Ab Ripper and I did them 100%, all the way. Let me just tell you I was on cloud nine last night.

My Cardio X work out went well also. I sweated like crazy and tried to burn as many calories as possible. It was a quick, fun 45 minutes and I felt great when I was finished for the night.

Another thing that had me totally pumped up yesterday was trying on my way too small green shorts. It's been a full month since I've tried them on and taken pictures and WOW! The green shorts that at one time couldn't even fasten at my belly, now button close with ease and I even have a tiny bit of room in the back of them. The pictures I took clearly show a much smaller Ab area.

I have a goal in my head that before the end of the shorts wearing season this year I am going to put those green shorts on and wear them out in public because they are going to fit me perfectly, or if I am really lucky they may even be a little too big on me. That will be awesome.

I have a busy day ahead of me and I am ready for it. Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

P90X Day 47 and 48: Legs & Back and Kenpo

Legs & Back was a good workout as always. I was pretty impressed by how much my numbers have increased from Week 1 especially when it comes to the pull-ups. To give you an idea I am going to show you what was the most I did on week 1 and then what I did last night on week 7.

Reverse grip chin-ups: 12/26
Wide Front pull-ups: 17/26
Close grip overhead pull-ups:16/26
Switch grip pull-ups: 11/26

There has definitely been some progress made. The numbers don't lie. =)

Tonight we did Kenpo. Not our best work out by any means. I waited too long to start it, we ate later than normal so we were kind of bogged down, and we didn't eat super healthy today. All of these things contributed to a sub par work out. Oh well, I guess everyone is entitled to an off day now and again. We'll rest up tomorrow and then I start my recovery week on Monday. WOO HOO!

Friday, June 10, 2011

P90X Day 46: Cardio X

Another round of Cardio X went off last night without a hitch. We were moving and grooving to the radio while doing Yoga, Plyometrics, Kenpo, and Core. I'm thinking we burned a few calories by the end of it, which is always a good thing.

Last night I was looking for blogs from women that showcase their 90 days with before and after pics and sadly there wasn't many. In fact almost every woman's blog I stumbled onto did not complete the whole 90 days. For various reasons, their kids getting sick, their lives becoming too busy, etc. they just stopped the program. And that makes me sad because I know firsthand how much good the P90X can do if you're dedicated to following it through to the end.

I know I am not yet at the end, but barring some major physical illness I have every intention of making it to day 90. Sure it's hard sometimes to exercise when you don't feel good, or you've had a long busy day and you just want to collapse from exhaustion, but that's not how you get results. You get them by pushing through the hard stuff, by making yourself push play no matter what, and after you get through that rough patch you are glad you did.

I'm nearing my second recovery week soon. That will be a welcome break from the normal routine. It's weird to say I think I might miss Ab ripper a little. Like Tony Horton says I hate it, but I love it. Well it's Friday and I am glad about that. Legs tonight. Woo.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

P90X Day 45: Back & Biceps

Something went right last night because boy am I sore today. I am pretty stiff around my shoulders and I blame it on the pull-ups. I swear that pull-up bar will be super loose one day, and freaking tight as hell the next. You just never know. Last night it was super tight so meeting or beating my numbers was a challenge, but I managed to anyway. I increased my weights to 10 pounds for nearly every exercise that required weights. Then I did Ab Ripper with my hubby and that was, as always, a joy. =P The plan for tonight is Cardio X, which I love, love, love!

Last night we ended up eating at Costco but hubby had a plan. We split a Combo pizza slice which always is 2 slices on one plate, so hubby ate one, and I ate the other. Then we got some frozen yogurt and 2 churros and we split everything with the kids. So I really only had 1/2 a churro and a few bites of frozen yogurt. The point of this is that we can still get the good foods we enjoy, we just modify it so we eat less. This strategy can be used for a lot of foods. If you are a dessert-a-holic like I am, you can still have some cake, just share a slice with a loved one, or take a very small slice so that you get a taste for it, without blowing your calories for the day.

The hardest part for me is at big parties, which we have a couple coming up this summer. Parties where the table is filled with lots of yummy things, and it's hard to not want to pile your plate to the brim. You have choices though. You can just choose the things that you REALLY want in small amounts. Or you can skip some things that you just kind of want, in favor of the few food items that you really want. Also if it's a pot luck, feel free to bring something healthy that you enjoy, so that you can at least count on one healthy alternative being there for you to munch on. A veggie plate, hummus and whole wheat crackers, or a fruit plate all come to mind.

Okay have a lovely Thursday and say cool out there. =)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

P90X Day 44: Plyometrics

This song came on yesterday as my hubby and I were doing Plyo and I said this is the perfect song for a Plyo workout since all you do is JUMP! And jump we did. Jumping like locusts until the workout got the better of us, then we jumped like two year olds. We did it though, the entire hour, and it was good.

For our meals I've been trying to make healthier alternatives. I bought some ground turkey and I've been trying to work that into our dinners since it is super lean and better for us then ground beef is. Last night we had lettuce wraps with ground turkey, boysenberries, and raspberries. It was pretty tasty, although I won't say it was the most filling of dinners.

That's it for now. Just another fun bicep workout tonight. =)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

P90X Day 43: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps,

Sunday was a great day for our family. We spent a lot of time outside and we even managed to ride four miles with the girls. We got some swimming in as well. It was a nice start to our summer, and the cooler weather is a plus as well.
Last night was my final night of Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps until Week 10. Knowing this I tried to really push myself harder than ever before. Since I usually say how hard I worked but I don't get to really show you, I thought I'd post my stats from the first week and then the third week.
Slow motion 3 in 1 push ups: 11/12
In & Out Shoulder flys: 16 with 5 lb weights/ 16 with 8 lb weights
Chair Dips: 28/30
Plange Push ups: 12/13
Pike Presses: 8/12
Side tri-rises: 17/ 25
Floor Flys: 14/16
Scarecrows: 14 with 5 lbs/ 15 with 8 lbs
Overheard tricep extensions: 12 with 5 lbs/ 12 with 8 lbs
Two twitch speed pushups: 8/16
Y- presses: 13 with 5 lbs/14 with 8lbs
Lying tricep extensions: 15 with 5lbs/ 16 with 8 lbs
Side-to-side pushups: 9/14
Pour flys: 12 with 5 lbs/ 15 with 5 lbs
side-leaning tricep extensions: 23 with 5 lbs/ 22 with 8 lbs
One arm pushup: 3/8
Throw the bomb: 19 with 5 lb/22 with 8
Clap pushups: 6/8
slo mo throws: 8 with 5lbs/ 10 with 8 lbs
Front-to-Back tricep extensions: 9 with 5 lb/ 12 with 8 lbs
One arm balance pushup: 4/11
Flyrow presses: 7 with 5lb/ 11 with 5 lb
Dumbbell cross body blows: 40 with 5 lbs/ 40 with 8 lbs.
Looking over my stats it's easy to see that I improved on everything increasing my weight amount, my reps, or both. I am really much stronger than I was and I'm only getting stronger. Hopefully by week 10 I'll be ready to tackle some of the moves with 10 lb weights.
I also did Ab ripper last night and I really brought it. I pushed myself harder than ever before, really working on my abs until they were screaming. My abs are where I am seeing the most change and since I have always hated my post-baby flabby gut, I am really happy to see it starting to tighen up. Maybe by the end of this thing I will have a stomach I can be sort of happy with, instead of one that I am embarrassed by and always wanting to hide.
Tonight it's Plyo and possibly another bike ride with my family. I love how the changes we're making are changing how we spend our nights and weekends too. I want to be the family that bikes and hikes together, and not the family that just sits like slugs on the couch and vegs out every night.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

P90X Day 41: Kenpo

Last night was another round of Kenpo. Kenpo includes massive amounts of punches, kicks, and blocks. It is a good cardio workout. Even during the small waterbreaks Tony has you running in place, skipping rope, doing jumping jacks, and X exercises. It's not really much of a break let me tell you. I love it though. My heart is pumping, my body is moving, and I usually feel incredibly great. I may not do Kenpo perfectly (according to my hubby) but I try hard and I do my best and I think that's what counts.

Hubby was saying that a lot of women don't stick to the P90X. I can see why. I balked at doing it. Lifting weights and muscle building is so not my thing. I just wanted to lose weight and tone up. Now I feel like I can't go back to just losing weight. I enjoy my little muscles too much. I like being able to carry heavy things without having to struggle as much. I like seeing my body start to tone more and more.

I may do P90X lean for my next 90 day cycle, I haven't decided yet, but I do know that when the 90 days end I am not done. I am just going to keep going and going until my body is at a place that I feel is at its best, and then I am going to workout some more. Because it's good for me. It's good for our family, for our kids to see us exercising. It's a new way of life and yes some days I'd rather skip it, but skipping it is just not in the cards anymore. Pushing through and just doing it anyway is. P90X works and why stop a good thing?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

P90X Day 40: Legs & Back

Another night of P90X. I increased a lot of my weights. I did more pull-ups. I wasn't super sore today, but I still think I pushed myself last night. It helps that hubby was doing the work out with me. He keeps me from slacking. I was tired last night and I really didn't want to do my P90X, but not doing my exercise is not an option anymore. I do it. Period.

Eating healthy over the weekend is a challenge. Yesterday we had a get together and I didn't go overboard despite all the goodies that were available. We also went out to celebrate my eldest having such a great report card, so we all enjoyed some frozen yogurt.

Tonight is Kenpo which is always a fun work out and then rest day. I am looking forward to my rest day. Have a nice weekend everyone.

Friday, June 3, 2011

P90X Day 39: Cardio X

Another night, another round of Cardio X. Everything went as planned and it was another good round of Cardio X.

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and I tried to focus on filling up our cart with healthy foods. Lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains. My bad habits are slowly going away. Last night I was hungry around 8:30 and old me would have grabbed some sort of dessert and munched away, but new me just grabbed something to drink and toughed it out. I didn't really NEED to eat, I just wanted to. If I was really that hungry I could have always nibbled on some celery.

Today will be a fun day. My eldest will have her last day of school and then we'll be hanging by the pool with our friends. Bring on summer vacation. I am ready for long lazy days, and lots of fun with my family.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

P90X Day 38: Back & Biceps

It was a good work out for me last night. I increased my weights up to 10 lbs on nearly all of the exercises. I tried to really push myself to do more, and I feel like I did. I didn't do quite as good on my Ab Ripper last night, I am not sure why.

I started tracking my eating habits again using The Daily Plate. I may off gotten off track somewhere and that's why the scale is not being kind to me. Hubby started writing down what he eats and he's right I need to do that also. It's good to really see how many calories things are before I put them in my mouth, or even after I do, so I can adjust my eating for the rest of the day. Healthy eating + exercise= toned, trimmed me.

I have a busy day ahead of me so I'm out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

P90X Day 37: Plyometrics yet again

Last night I got to do my Plyo with hubby. I was feeling pretty good and managed to get a decent work out in. I have a fun time with hubby and I do our exercise together, he makes me laugh so much. I also know I work just a little bit harder knowing he's watching me.

I am feeling kind of discouraged today for a lot of reasons. The scale (which I need to stay off of) hasn't been looking kindly on me. I am frustrated, and here it is already June 1st and I still weigh WAY more than I did last summer at the same time. I feel angry that even though I am working my butt off 6 nights a week the scale isn't giving me the kind of numbers I feel it should be. I still have a ton of clothes that I can't fit into comfortably. And bathing suit season is here. I tried on one from last year and it doesn't fit right. I am just irritated with life.

So anyway there's my update. Tonight it's Biceps and Back I think. And Ab Ripper. Good old Ab Ripper.