Saturday, July 30, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 1

I made it through my first week of P90X Round 2. It was considerably easier then P90X Round 1. I made some changes like doing real push-ups instead of girly ones, doing my fifer scissors the right way and not the modified way, and the same for my V-ups. I don't want this to be Round 2 of easy, I want to make it as tough as I can, so I can continue to grow.

My confession for this week is that I did not do my P90X on Wednesday. We drove three hours to Monterey, and then stayed the entire day there enjoying the Aquarium and the sights, and then we drove home. By the time we got home again I was exhausted, as I feared I would be when we had talked about the trip. I just couldn't will myself to do my P90X and instead I went to bed. I felt so guilty I even dreamed about hubby doing his P90X while I sat on the couch and watched.

The rest of the week went as planned. I did my Plyo, my Cardio X, Legs & Back, and tonight was Kenpo. I'll admit to really, really not wanting to do Legs & Back and my Ab Ripper on Friday, but I did them anyway. This is not going to become a "I don't wanna" mindset that drags me back into the land of lazy, I am going to do this second round. Period.

Today was a great day because we got to go celebrate two of our good friends getting married. It was a pool party and I debated on what bathing suit to wear. I have a black one piece which is my go-to swimsuit, but I had debated wearing my tankini instead. With hubby's help he told me to go for the tankini, that I looked "hot" in it. I don't know about that, but I did wear the tankini and it is the first time I have worn it in public before. It feels good knowing that I can wear something a little skimpier and I don't think I looked totally awful in it. Hopefully by next year I can wear it, or another smaller tankini, without any trepidation.

So that's been my week. With my birthday tomorrow I am not sure how much healthy eating I am going to be doing, but by next week I should be back on track and working towards undoing any damage I've done to myself over the next couple of days.

Have a good week everyone.

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