Wednesday, July 13, 2011

P90X Day 79: Plyometrics

(The Old me)

Another good day last night jumping like a locust all over the living room. Okay maybe not a locust, perhaps more like a small toad, the results were good none-the-less. I am glad I had Plyo last night because it is one of the most calorie burning exercise Dvd's, and since we ate out last night I needed some good calorie burn to offset the food I ate. I didn't do too bad though. I only ate 1/2 my hamburger and I took the rest home.

Day after day keeps going by and I can see the differences in both me and my hubby. Our old lazy ways are in the past. Hubby was sick last night with horrible allergies, and yet he still did Plyo with me. He's a super star. I am not sure I would have done Plyo if it were me.

It just goes to show the dedication he has to this new lifestyle. A dedication that I have as well. Sure I get down from time to time, but for the most part I feel better than I have in a long time. I feel healthy, I look healthy and toned, and I am living the kind of life I have always wanted. AI a good model for my children so that they see how important eating healthy and exercise is. I am nearing the end of my first round of P90X and I am really happy with the results of it thus far.

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