Tuesday, July 12, 2011

P90X Day 78: Back, Shoulders, and Triceps

Last night I was in a funk. I couldn't match my numbers, let alone beat them. My arms were not up to par at all. As I was working out thoughts of self-doubt kept creeping in. How long can I realistically keep this up? Will I really be doing P90X for the next 9 months, or more? Even though I love the changes my body has made, I still can't help but think when will it end?

Hubby got home and he could tell I wasn't too happy with my workout. He encouraged me to not give up, to keep going because I am so close to the end of my 90 days. He reminded me that when we are at our goals we can let up a little on the P90X, not doing it every day, but rather 3-4 days a week to maintain our new toned bodies.

Today is a better day. Tonight is Plyo with my hubby so he should keep me in line, and push me to do my best. Tonight we have dinner out with my mom to celebrate my hubby's birthday from last week. I am not looking forward to the weight gain from the meal, but I am going to try and be good at dinner. We'll see how it goes.


  1. I haven't posted in a while. I clearly got in a funk as well. Strep killed me this last round. I ended up at the surgeon's office with an approval to move forward with a tonsillectomy. I tried to do p90 about 5 days after taking antibiotics but found my body was too weak. Then my mom showed up for a whole weak so I didn't fight the good times. The good news is that I stuck with WW and I'm doing well my weight. Last night was my first night back with p90 and it felt great. You should never try to force it on a sick body, this is for sure. But I did have a bad moment. John finished the basement and redid the trim and reinstalled my pull-up bar. It was not a well done door trim and half way through a pull up I went flying backwards and landed in my closet on hard cement. It wasn't really funny (but the image was probably funny). I was a bit hurt (tailbone and wrists) but I finished up with using weights. I wonder about the keeping up p90 all of the time once you've done several rounds too, or when you get sick, or go on vacations, etc. Things do happen. You have to accept as you've been saying all along this as a life-style change. You may get knock down on day 81, who knows, and you can't let that stop you. I hope it doesn't happen. But this is a lifetime change, right? And this may lead to other interests as well. But the good news is you can always hit play! Get out of your mind and hit play~according to Tony. Ang

  2. I was wondering how you were doing since you were having health issues. I am sorry that it is leading to surgery but maybe that is the best possible course for you since you've been having strep so often.

    I am glad to hear that you've been keeping up with your Weight Watchers. I know that program has worked for you in the past, and hopefully it combined with P90 will get you where you want to be.

    Thanks for the pep talk. It was a bad day, thankfully they are few and far between for me.
