Saturday, July 16, 2011

P90X Day 81 & 82: Cardio X and Legs & Back

Somehow I skipped blogging yesterday. I had a super busy day and so it slipped my mind and by the time I remembered it was so late I thought I might as well just wait for today instead.

Apparently I wasn't doing my pull-ups with the band correctly on Wednesday. Hubby asked me how I had used the bands for the pull-ups and when I told him he explained that I had just been doing bicep curls. Oops. Last night we went to Target and bought ourselves a new stronger heavy band to replace the one that was broken so last night I did my pull-ups the right way again.

I am so excited that I just have Kenpo tonight and then I am officially on my recovery week. Woo hoo! I am so ready for a rest week, and oh yeah it's my last week of this round of P90X. It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.

Okay have a good weekend. I'm out.

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