Saturday, July 2, 2011

P90X Day 68: Legs & Back

Yesterday was a busy day and I knew it would be hard to fit my P90X in, the old me would have skipped working out completely. Now exercise is a priority in my life so skipping it was not an option, rather it was making the time to get it done. I ended up doing my P90X in two parts, the legs & back potion in the middle of the day, followed by a nice cool shower. After a fantastic dinner with my loving husband we came home and then I did my Ab Ripper to complete my P90X for the day. Ab Ripper was especially enjoyable last night.

Today we're up in the mountains at my IL's cabin to celebrate my hubby's birthday, and we brought the Kenpo DVD with us so we plan to do that tonight. Today marks 90days of _90X for my hubby. He is amazing and so focused. He rocked this P90X and I expect him to do the same thing with the next round. Our lives have changed for the better and we will continue to Bring It every day, doing our best and forgetting the rest!

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