Tuesday, July 19, 2011

P90X Day 85: Cardio X

Last night I tore it up with my Cardio X workout. I was just feeling great, and it showed in my workout. I think my hubby is right when he says that for women, hormones can totally wreck havoc with not only our weights, but also our emotions and how well we can workout. Last week leading up to my monthly visitor I wasn't feeling very awesome at all. I was just pushing play but without my normal gusto. This week I am feeling great again and doing my best, and the munchies which plagued me over the weekend are gone.

Good news: I was able to wear my green shorts this weekend. Yes, the green shorts that I wasn't even able to fit into at the beginning of this P90X journey. They now fit great and it is such a fantastic feeling knowing that I have sculpted my body down to a size that they can fit comfortably. It makes me happy. I will throw in one last green short picture when I do my final 90 day wrap-up which I will post in another 5 or 6 days since that's when I will be DONE with my first round of P90X!!! Woo hoo!!

I have Core Synergistics today. Boo. Oh well I will make the most of it and bring my best. I cannot believe that I am at the end of this thing. Hubby is almost on his recovery week for round 2 phase 1. He is still rocking it and looking better and better every day. It's a lifestyle change that I think we've finally mastered. Life feels good.

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