Tuesday, July 26, 2011

P90X Round 2 Day 1: Chest & Back

Back to the grindstone. Only this time I did real push-ups instead of girly push-ups on my knees. My numbers went WAY down, but I can only expect them to go up from this point since I will only get better at them and stronger. I did really good on my Ab Ripper. I am trying to modify Ab Ripper less and some of those moves are super killer for me without the modifications. I will continue to make progress.

My birthday is this Sunday. Already I can tell that this weekend/week it's going to be hard to eat healthy and maintain a decent weight loss. However it is my birthday and I have been really good for the past three months, so I think I can enjoy a little cake without too much guilt.

Well that's it for now. Plyometrics tonight. Looking forward to jumping like a locust. Yippee!

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