Sunday, July 10, 2011

P90X Days 75 & 76: Legs & Back and Kenpo

I'm back. My trip to the mountains with my good friends was so relaxing and peaceful. It was just the break I needed. It was such a great time I wish we could have stayed another night. Maybe next time.

Before I left I did my Legs & Back exercises. Same old, same old. Now that I am nearing the end of my 90 days there isn't much to add to what I did. I worked hard, I did my Ab Ripper, and then I took a nice cool shower.

Last night I did Kenpo with my hubby. It was a good workout. Nothing new to add, we did our kicks, punches, and blocks as usual.

What has changed within both me and my husband, is our commitment to living healthier lives. Our desire to continue to stay healthy and exercise. No excuses. No more we were too tired to get our butt off the couch and do our exercise. We don't give excuses anymore. We just do it. Period.

We're both changing our bodies one day at a time. We're changing our lifestyle for the better. I don't even know if we'll be the same people by the end of this year. I know we're certainly going to look better, we already do. I don't know why it took so long to get to this breaking point, but I sure am glad we decided to start P90X and change our lives.

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