Sunday, August 7, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 2

Another week of P90X down. This week was tough because my birthday was last Sunday. We had lots of opportunities to eat out, and then my relatives came to town, and we celebrated even more. There were so many yummy foods and desserts, that it wasn't any surprise to me to see I was a couple of pounds higher than my lowest weight, while on the P90X. The good news is that I did my P90X exercises every.single.night. We're already back on track eating healthy again, and I hope that I can get back down to my lowest weight in a week or maybe two, depending on how long my body takes to readjust.

I told my Aunt over the phone that I was doing P90X and she had heard all about it and wanted to try it also. She said that a co-worker of hers was looking very muscular and fit and she asked him what he was doing and he said P90X! My Aunt is already a super star. She runs 6 miles every morning and every evening. She has always been physically fit and healthy while exercising without fail, and it was funny to hear her asking me about the P90X and saying that she needs it to build up some upper body strength. I hope she does do the program because I would love to hear her experiences with it.

Well one more week to go and then into my recovery week. The time just flies by. Summer vacation is almost over for my DD and then we're back to the normal around here. This summer has been a lot of fun, but I am ready for the normalcy of the school year again.

Push yourselves to do your best this week, and I will do the same. =)

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