Monday, July 25, 2011

P90X Graduate: Stats & Pics

It's official. I am a P90X graduate. The journey to this point wasn't easy. P90X kicks your ass. Period. I started this process questioning whether or not I could do the full 90 days. Somewhere along the way I stopped not wanting to do my P90X, and instead it was something I was going to do without question.

P90X isn't some quick fix. It takes hard work, dedication, commitment, and it hurts in the beginning. Hell, it still hurts sometimes, even in phase 3. But it works. The results speak for themselves. You get the results you put into it. If you skip days and eat like crap your results won't be as good. If you do the full program, if you make the time to not sit on the couch and veg in front of the t.v. for yet another hour, but instead get up and get moving, you will like what you see at the end.

I am in the very best shape of my life and not many people can say that at nearly 33 years old. I have never been this fit, this toned, or this strong. I feel great, I think I look pretty damn good, and I am not done. I start Round 2 today, because even though I am thrilled with my progress I still have a little bit left to go. And to be frank I can't go back to the way I was before, sitting on my butt, and eating crap every night. I deserve better than that, for myself, for my husband, and for my kids. P90X can change your life, just make that commitment and keep pushing play. The first week is the hardest and then you get a little bit stronger, fitter, leaner, every day. It's worth it and you won't believe how much better you will look and feel by the end.

Onto the stats and pictures!

Starting Weight: 151.3
Body fat %: 30.2

30 day Weight: 144.9
Body fat %: 29.0

60 day Weight: 138.7
Body fat %: 27.5

90 day Weight: 132.9
Body fat %: 25.9

Total weight lost for the 90 days is 18.4 pounds.
Total fat percentage lost for the 90 days is 4.3 percent.

And lastly the green short pictures:

I can now wear these shorts comfortably in public. It's a long way from not even be able to button them.

A huge thank you to my husband who helped keep me motivated, who helped push me to do better, and who kept me laughing all the way through.

And thank you to my readers. It really helped knowing that people were following my progress and cheering me on. I will continue to blog, but maybe not as frequently. Rest assured my P90X journey has not stopped here.

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