Wednesday, August 24, 2011

P90X Round 2: Phase 1 stats and pics

Yesterday I officially finished the first phase of Round 2. This was a hard 30 days because of the many special events that occurred such as: my 33rd birthday, my Grandma and Uncle came into town to visit for three days, and a day in Monterey with my family. I wish that my stats were better than they are, however I am nearing my goal and I don't think it's possible for me to keep losing 6-7 pounds every 30 days. So I'll take what I can get, although I do hope in the next 30 days my numbers are better.

90 day Weight: 132.9
Body fat %: 25.9

120 day Weight: 131.1
Body fat %: 25.6%

Total Weight loss for Round 2: 1.8 pounds
Total body fat % loss for Round 2: 0.3%

Total weight loss since starting P90X: 20.2 pounds
Total body fat % loss since starting P90X: 4.6%

Onto the pics which I am not all that thrilled with because I look heavier in some of the pics then I did last time, but they are what they are.

Thanks for looking and I'll post stats & pics again in another 30 days.


  1. You're doing great babe. We had a hard month, but we at least held our ground!

  2. You're doing Great! It does get hard when there are things going on!! But, cheats are allowed. Just keep pressing play :))
