Sunday, August 21, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 4

Recovery week flew by. It was nice giving my muscles a little bit of a rest. I actually kind of miss the Ab Ripper, as Tony says I love it, and I hate it. I'm moving into the harder Phase 2 exercises on Monday and oh boy, those are gonna hurt. My weight continues to creep down, at a slower rate than I'd like, but still as long as I am still going down, I am happy.

School started for my eldest again and I ran into a mom I haven't seen since school got out. She knew I had been doing P90X at the end of the school year, and when she saw me again her eyes lit up and she said, "Are you still doing P90X?" and I told her I was and that I was on Round 2. She said that she could totally tell! That kind of made my day. =) I had few other friends make some nice comments to me on the first day of school also and it made me feel good. I've been working hard and it's nice when someone acknowledges it.

Eating wise it was a bit of a struggle to get back on track, but now I am into the groove of things again. I overate a little last night, but I do allow myself a meal on the weekend when I am not quite as careful with my calories. I figure I have the rest of the week to work it off, and I don't go totally crazy, I just relax a little.

I guess that's it for now. I hope everyone has a super great week! Do your best and forget the rest!

1 comment:

  1. I started back today and it was easier than I thought except the Ab ripper was a littler tougher this time. I also noticed that my flexibility was bad. It's amazing how much that had improved the last round especially since I'm not a flexible person, just keeping my legs in v shape when I was do a v up was hard. I fell down the stairs today so I'm hoping I'm not actually injured and I can have a go at it again tomorrow. I'm icing my tailbone right now. So I guess we will see. I didn't actually do the warrior dash after all b/c of money. :( Oh well. Next year. The eating thing is tough. Hang in there. I love coming back over the summer and getting the compliments but can we survive the winter so we don't need the shock summer make over? I'm in the same boat! Ang
