Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Losing momentum

After a big push these last three months to lose weight, and exercise daily, I can feel myself losing momentum. The willpower that pushed me through the past three months, just isn't as present anymore. The sad thing is that this is a cycle I go through every year.

In the beginning I always do well because I know that summer is fast approaching and that I want to look my best in my bathing suit, and summery clothing. I push myself hard to lose weight, and this year with the P90X, I think I looked better than ever, I certainly felt better than ever. But then sometime in August after a bunch of birthdays and celebrations, something just gives, and I stop caring as much about what I eat, and about all the calories I consume. Before I know it it's the winter holidays which always lend themselves to overeating. Come January I am at least ten pounds heavier, if not more, than what I was in July. This past year I was over fifteen pounds heavier than what I was in the previous July.

Hubby and I were just discussing this. How we want this year to be different. He was full of resolve yesterday, until he wiped out on his bike, and totally munched up his body. Now he's not feeling as much willpower, instead he just feels pain.

The upside is that I haven't stopped P90X. I haven't given up completely. I just haven't had my all into eating healthy again. And exercise without healthy eating will only hold off the weight gain for so long, before it catches up with you.

So what's the plan? To keep myself in check. Maybe I need to start posting again every day. It seems like when I posted every day I did better. I know I need to make healthier eating choices again. Sweet Tomatoes your name sounds healthy, but your food isn't exactly calorie free.

Here's to hoping that hubby and I can find that lost momentum again and we can continue to reach for our goals, and meet them in the next few months. We will not give up, we have come too far.

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