Thursday, August 11, 2011

The journey

It's been a hard couple of weeks for my husband. He's been working hard on losing weight by doing his P90X and riding his bike, but then he got hurt. Last week he hurt his knee and it was really troubling him. I told him he should go easy on the exercise so that it could heal. He agreed that even though he didn't want to, slowing down on the exercise was the right thing to do so his knee could improve, and not be damaged further. By Monday of this week he was feeling good to go again, and was all ready for a great week of P90X and riding.

And then he got hurt. While out riding his bike, which is older than dirt, the bike decided to suddenly dislodge his front wheel, while he was riding over a bump, and consequently my hubby fell off his bike. Thankfully he wasn't badly injured, nothing broken, but he wasn't exactly feeling too swell either. His elbow took a lot of the initial damage with some bleeding and scrapes, he also had road rash on his arm and back. His leg was also banged up and he came home with a limp. But the full knowledge of his injuries were not fully known until the next couple of days, when more of his body complained about the fall that he had taken.

Well needless to say my hubby didn't feel like riding last night. And doing his P90X wasn't his best effort and he eventually stopped after my urging that he needed to rest and not be a hero. My point with all of this is that sometimes shit happens. The best laid plans, fail. Sure hubby had great plans to lose x amount of weight, in X amount of days, and then he got hurt. Twice. So now what? Does he throw in the towel and say "Screw it? I blew it now I am done because I keep getting hurt?" Or does he instead take this time to heal, to get himself back to feeling fine again, and get back to it?

I gave myself a hard time on Tuesday when I went to do my Plyometrics and I had a headache. I didn't want to skip my exercise, but after just the warm-up it was clear that if I continued with the P90X I was going to make myself worse, not better. Hubby encouraged me to stop, and as much as I didn't want to, I did. Because I needed a break. My brain was thumping around in my skull something fierce and doing my P90X wasn't going to help me, in fact it probably would have made things worse. No need to be a hero.

Sometimes you have to just listen to your body when it is seriously hurt, and sit the heck down. P90X was still there for me Wednesday and I even did my Plyo then with no issues. It's all good. It's not a race who can lose the most weight the fastest. It's about the journey, and every journey is going to have ups and downs, highs and lows. I had my low earlier this week, but I am back on my journey. I know other people who have started P90x and then they had to stop because of their health, or because they weren't ready for this particular exercise program. Everyone needs to do what is best for them, for their bodies, for their own journeys, and don't be afraid to stop if need be, before getting back on track, or in my hubby's case back on that bike. You don't need to be a hero.


  1. I agree a hundred percent. I'm shocked you made it so far without having any mishaps. I'm glad though, that both of you did, b/c it allowed you both to build up the momentum. It's hard when mishaps happen in the beginning. That's usually why people get discourage. Ang

  2. beautifully written Leeanna

  3. Just take one day at a time if you miss a day or two no biggie just get back on that horse. Like you say it's not a race. It's a life change! Hope your husband heals quickly!

  4. Becca if there was a "like" button I'd click it to your comment!
