Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Recovery Week at last!

Yesterday was a fun day with my Mother-in-Law and my girls. My MIL took us to the movies to see Mr. Poppers Penguin's and then out to a restaurant for lunch. I was worried about what I was going to eat when we went out, because I didn't want to blow my diet. What I ordered was a Patty Melt, which I didn't think would be too horribly bad, but I was wrong.

After I got home I went to input the calories for the day and the Patty Melt was 1,300 calories according to the restaurants website. Thankfully I only ate half of it, but still!!! I thought about ordering a salad, but a lot of times the salads are just as bad, if not worse then a hamburger is. My MIL got a large salad, with all the goodies on top, and salad dressing, I am not sure how many calories she ate compared to my 1,300, but it didn't seem like it was the best choice either. Oh well what can I do now? Nada. Just not order that again the next time I am at that restaurant, which may be hard because that Patty Melt was really good.

Last night hubby tried once again to ride his bike, even after the fall last week. Unfortunately the bike was more damaged then he realized, and it's basically toast, unless we want to drop a ton of money into fixing it up, which for a twenty year old bike seems kind of ridiculous. So hubby is officially done riding for the year, and maybe we can scrape up enough money to buy him a new bike next year. He's disappointed that he can't ride anymore, but he starts teaching at the end of the month anyway, so he's really only missing out on a couple of rides.

We had Cardio X last night and it went well. Always fun and fast. We'll be happier exercising when it isn't as hot. We're ready to say good-bye to summer, but I don't think we'll get off that easy. I am ready for Fall. It's my favorite season and I want to enjoy those cool nights, and the smells of the season, and by that I mean pumpkin spice latte's sans coffee. =)

It's been a good week so far and I plan to keep it going. Enjoy the day everyone.

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