Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Heading into September...

and hoping for cooler weather. These 100 plus days have been killer, and they really make it hard for me to want to work out. I do anyway, but I long for some cooler temperatures at night so we can work out and not be totally sweltering the entire time. Thank goodness for fans and A/C.

Yesterday was a pretty great day. My youngest starts preschool again next week. I haven't seen her teacher since back in May and yesterday I went to the school to help prepare it for the new school year. D's teacher immediately complimented me on looking great and asked me how much weight I've lost. I told her all about P90X and how it has changed our lives. She was very interested to hear all about it, and had mentioned she knew some friends who had done the program also. It makes me feel great to spread the word about P90X, because it may be just the thing that someone else needs in their life that will put them on the right track to healthier living.

Later last night a friend of mine who I see at my daughters school called me up just to tell me how fantastic I looked. I'll tell you what, I was on cloud 9 last night, with two sets of compliments in one day, I was feeling the love. Hubby always says I look great and skinny all the time, but sadly I don't believe him as much as I probably should.

I did my Ab Ripper last night and really rocked it. I finished every move in its entirety which I am not sure has happened more than maybe once. Hubby came home from bike riding and then we went right into doing Cardio X. It is supposed to be Pylometrics but hubby's legs hurt after riding, so we did the shorter, easier DVD and we'll do Pylo on Thursday instead.

Well that's it from me. Enjoy the rest of the week.

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