Sunday, August 14, 2011

P90X Round 2: Week 3

This week was one of up's and down's. The beginning of the week I was in a low place and had lost my motivation, by the end of the week I was feeling good again, and right on track. High's and low's are to be expected in life, but I can't let the low's stop me from meeting my goals. I am still pushing play, still doing my best and forgetting the rest, and I am going to hit my goal and hopefully it'll happen by the end of 2011.

Not much else to report. Next week is a recovery week so I can take it easy, and get myself excited about Phase 2. Phase 2 is hard, but I am ready for it. I've done it before, I can do it again.

Eating healthy is going well now that I was able to go grocery shopping and restock our household with healthy foods. Celery with laughing cow cheese is a favorite of hubby and me. I also really enjoy the Dreyers single serving ice creams. It's nice to find foods that taste good, but don't cost you too many calories. I also finally tried out the new 64 calorie beer and it tastes good. Even hubby likes it, and he doesn't like beer. So that is another tasty low calorie treat to have on hand.

I'm feeling good and ready for another week of P90X. To all my readers: Have a great week and Bring it!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you fellow P90Xer!!! I personally like celery with peanut butter. You can follow me at:
